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Why are Muslims leaving Islam? ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi | 29th August 2014

Most of us may know someone whose been through a crisis of faith or perhaps even know someone who is no longer a Muslim.

Islam may be the fastest growing religion in the world with the highest number of converts but there is a dark side often left neglected of Muslims who have renounced their faith in Allah and His Messenger (saw).

We are seeing more and more people question and doubt their faith and become either agnostic or atheist and the reality is that very few of us are qualified to deal with this phenomenon.

The problems & challenges that our youth go through today is unlike that of previous generations and we need to be there to help our brothers and sisters when they go through this difficult crisis in their lives.

In this intellectually stimulating talk Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi challenges the modern mindset and brings forth a rational paradigm of looking at Islam that is sound & gratifying to the intellectual mind.

Recorded on 29th August 2014

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