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Things Exempted from Zakaat – Dr Zakir Naik

Things Exempted from Zakaat – Dr Zakir Naik

Yusuf Chambers: Are there things which a Muslim does not have to pay Zakaah on?

Dr. Zakir: Yes certain things are exempted from Zakaat.

No. 1 is your personal goods which are the basic necessities for example the food you eat, the clothes you wear, the furniture in your house, the fridge or microwave oven all these are exempted from Zakaat. The house which you live in is exempted from Zakaat, if you are carrying a weapon for your safety irrespective what’s the cost of the weapon is, it’s a personal belonging, it’s a requirement which is a necessity, that’s also free from Zakaat. If you have a vehicle for traveling, it be a car, it be a motorcycle, the animal or horse to ride on all these are exempted from Zakaat. All your personal belongings are exempted from Zakaat. All the vegetables are also exempted from Zakaat. If you have any animals that are used for agriculture or for your personal use that too is exempted from Zakaat.

And the Prophet said that vegetables are exempted from Zakaat, the Ariyat trees are exempted from Zakaat, grains if it is less than 5 Wasaq, it’s exempted from Zakaat or any of your animals the person is exempted from Zakaat. These are the things on which Zakaat is not counted. Anything above this which is surplus if it reaches the Nisaab level or above it then you have to pay Zakaat on it.

#DatewithDrZakir #Things #Exempted #Zakaat
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