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Khutbah: The Blessings of Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah) ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi

Imagine that you're about to cross the road, you look right and left there is no vehicle insight and as you begin to cross the road suddenly a truck rushes in front of you at full speed and you jump back startled and shaken.

What would be the first word that you'd utter in this situation? For many people it would be a four-letter curse word which respectable people would never utter.

This could have been your last moment on earth and the final word on your tongue would have been a swear word or a curse!

How many times does a calamity befall us and our instant reaction to that incident is words other than the remembrance and thanks of Allah?

The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said "If anyone's last words are 'la ilaha ila Allah' (There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah) he will enter Paradise." ~ [Collected by Sunan Abi Dawud]

Many of us assume it would be easy for us to say this phrase at the time of our death, but at the time of death the senses of the mind weaken and the tongue only speaks that which is in the heart.

One of the ways to ensure that our tongue utters words of gratitude, praise and glorification of Allah when any calamity befalls us is to immerse ourselves in the remembrance of Allah whilst we are still alive.

In this khutbah Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi​ enlightens us with some of the blessings of Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah) and in the second-half of the khutbah he shares his thoughts on the current global crisis of refugees.

Recorded on 28th August 2015

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