Jewels from the Quran - Episode 18 - Shaykh Ismail Musa Menk
14 years ago
Tafseer of the Noble Qur'an. Shaykh Menk in his unique easy to understand method highlights key verses from the Noble Qur'an and explains them.
Ismail Musa Menk was born in Harare, Zimbabwe. He was tutored by his father who is a well known scholar and Da'ee. He completed his hifz and recitation courses at an early age and learned the Arabic and Urdu languages whilst studying Shariah under his father. At the same time he attended an Academic College in Harare where he completed his secondary secular education.
He then attained a degree in Shariah from the University of Madinah and later specialized in Iftaa at Darul Uloom Kantharia in Gujarat. He is a broad minded, tolerant motivational speaker who has won the hearts of many. He teaches at the Darul Ilm in Harare and finds the time to attend many international religious conferences, seminars etc. He is also Imaam at the Arcadia Masjid in Harare.
He has been invited on lecture tours to many countries. He contributes towards the Islamic content of various media networks and is an experienced social worker and counselor. He enjoys spending time with the underprivileged.
Each year he spends the month of Ramadhan with a far off community explaining the Qur'anic teachings. This work is all done solely to earn Allah's Pleasure without any monetary gain or remuneration involved. Like DigitalMimbar on Facebook:
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Ismail Musa Menk was born in Harare, Zimbabwe. He was tutored by his father who is a well known scholar and Da'ee. He completed his hifz and recitation courses at an early age and learned the Arabic and Urdu languages whilst studying Shariah under his father. At the same time he attended an Academic College in Harare where he completed his secondary secular education.
He then attained a degree in Shariah from the University of Madinah and later specialized in Iftaa at Darul Uloom Kantharia in Gujarat. He is a broad minded, tolerant motivational speaker who has won the hearts of many. He teaches at the Darul Ilm in Harare and finds the time to attend many international religious conferences, seminars etc. He is also Imaam at the Arcadia Masjid in Harare.
He has been invited on lecture tours to many countries. He contributes towards the Islamic content of various media networks and is an experienced social worker and counselor. He enjoys spending time with the underprivileged.
Each year he spends the month of Ramadhan with a far off community explaining the Qur'anic teachings. This work is all done solely to earn Allah's Pleasure without any monetary gain or remuneration involved. Like DigitalMimbar on Facebook:
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