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Ep 6: Stats for Porn Addiction | Lost in Pornoland | Subtitled

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What are the stats for Porn Addiction and how it can affect your career.

Series on 'Science behind Addictions & how to overcome them specifically Porn Addiction', the series will be written and narrated by brother Wael Ibrahim, a renowned public speaker and published author. The series will be animated and illustrated by us and made available to every single human being for free, In sha Allah.

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In August 19, 2014 and according to PR Newswire, almost two-third of men, that is 63% have admitted that they’ve been viewing pornography while their bosses and managers thought that they were busy working. And more than a third, that is 36% of women have also sneaked into porn websites during their work.

This is what addiction could lead to, it can simply mess up your life in no long time. Whatever reputation you have established in your career or the business that you love the most could easily vanish as a result of your addiction. Not long ago for instance, three judges were removed from their post and a fourth has resigned after they were found guilty of viewing pornography on their office computers.

Imagine with me the media coverage of such an incident, how the public reacted to the news, how the family members of those judges have received the terrible pressure from neighbours and from the community as a whole? It must’ve been so difficult for everyone who was involved in this issue. But all these negative scenarios could’ve been avoided completely if they have sought out some help from professionals.

Pornography is out there to ruin not only your relationship with your loved ones, but to destroy your career and your future altogether.

Here are some shocking statistics for you to just realize the dangerous effects of pornography on one’s career and business. According to Proven Men Ministries who carried out a survey in the USA, they mentioned that most frequent porn users who view pornography at work consists of men between the ages of 31 to 49/ - also, about 46% of women between the the same age groups, 31 to 49 are also watching pornography at work. The most disturbing statistic in that survey however is that married men are more likely to watch porn at work than single men, that’s about 77% of married men have admitted viewing pornography at work compared to 56% of single men. The survey has also indicated the income of those men and women, who are now at threat of leaving their jobs as a result of their addiction if one day they were to be caught.

According to CNBC news, 70% of all online porn access occurs during the 9-5 workday.

As you can see, it is alarming and it is not worth losing a job or a career that you are passionate about. It is the time to defeat your addiction and live a life that you’ve always wanted. It is the time to start saying NO and walk away to a direction that’s more healthy and purer.

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