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YM Intensive - Revelation to Revolution by Imam Omar Suleiman

Young Muslims (YM) presents: Youth Conference 2011 - Diamonds in the Rough | May 28-30, 2011 | Hartford, CT.

Intensive Class 2011 - From Revelation to Revolution: Divine Training of the Messenger.

The Prophet (saw) got his leadership training directly from Allah (SWT), through the Qur'aan. Let us discuss the glorious legacy of our beloved Rasul (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam), specifically the instructions he received from Allah (SWT) which in turn made him into a leader whose name is the most oft recited name throughout the world. This intensive will be a thematic tafseer touching upon how the Qur'an shaped the mission and leadership of the Prophet (saw). It will also highlight how the various stories of the past Prophets supported, inspired, and served as powerful lessons for the Prophet (saw). This class will lead you to view the Qur'an from a perspective that you have never experienced before and will give you newfound insight in the role the Qur'an should play in our lives today.

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