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Why Is there Evil in This World? And a Response to the San Bernardino Shootings ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi

Calamities & tragedies are part of life and it is through these trials and calamities that the true strength of a believer is shown when he turns to his Lord in humility and submissiveness leaving his affairs in the Hands of Allah and putting complete trust that Allah (subḥānahu wa ta'āla) will take care of him.

Yet lately it seems that one calamity has not left the Muslim Ummah and another one strikes even harder and in this chaos many are those whose Iman is shaken and they ask the question "Why do bad things happen? Why can't life just be good!!"
Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi in this latest Khutbah entitled 'Why Is there Evil in This World?' and discover the wisdom behind calamities and tragedies.

In the second-half of this Khutbah Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi shares his reflections on the San Bernardino killings and advises the Muslim community to stay safe and uphold their best Muslim character in society.

Recorded 4th December 2015

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