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Can terrorism be justified with the Fatwa of Ibn Uthaymeen? ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi

This video clip is an answer to a question taken from the talk entitled 'The Modern Jihadists: Khawarij or Mujahideen?'

For the full context of the question please watch this talk before commenting. Jazakum Allah Khayr.

Link to video:

No doubt one of the greatest and most prominent Scholars of recent times was Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Uthaymeen (raḥimahullāh), a Scholar that inspired thousands of youth from all over the globe to study Islam and bring a new face to Islamic scholarship worldwide.

Shaykh ibn al-Uthaymeen (raḥimahullāh) was a giant whose fatawa (Iegal opinions) and naseeha (advices) surpassed the time and era that he lived in, his critical thinking and ability to visualise unprecedented scenarios and give fatwas that would aid the Ummah in situations that would be relevant to their time & place made him one of the leading representatives of Islamic thought even today.

However, many narrow-minded cut-and-paste simplistic individuals have taken the eloquent fatawa of ibn al-Uthaymeen (raḥimahullāh) to justify their own desires and personal motives.

As a student of Shaykh ibn al-Uthaymeen (raḥimahullāh), Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi clarifies the fatwa of his noble teacher which some have used to justify terrorism in western lands and harm innocent sou.

Recorded 12th April 2014

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