A Stern Warning - SHOCKING! - Mufti Menk
5 years ago
Differ by all means, but very respectfully. Those who hurl abuse at others are WRONG! They have no concern for the Ummah or Humanity. They are so desperate to shove their opinions down the throats of others and have run out of respectful ways of doing it. The price of insulting and abusing others is very heavy.
South African scholars have differed on the matter of the temporary restrictions placed on Masajid during Lockdown. Unfortunately those against the restrictions have incited their followers through their constant abuse and use of derogatory descriptions to threaten those who oppose them to the extent of violence and killing.
I felt it was my duty to guide the public never to lend an ear to those who lack the ability to communicate their opinions respectfully.
Hasbunallahu wa nimal wakeel
#muftimenk #sternwarning #berespectful #Coronavirus #Lockdown
South African scholars have differed on the matter of the temporary restrictions placed on Masajid during Lockdown. Unfortunately those against the restrictions have incited their followers through their constant abuse and use of derogatory descriptions to threaten those who oppose them to the extent of violence and killing.
I felt it was my duty to guide the public never to lend an ear to those who lack the ability to communicate their opinions respectfully.
Hasbunallahu wa nimal wakeel
#muftimenk #sternwarning #berespectful #Coronavirus #Lockdown