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Shahadah: The Symbol of Islam

Islam On Demand
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"Understanding Islam" by Abdal Hakim Murad

As part of the Dar al Islam Teachers' Institute in New Mexico, an annual retreat for non-Muslims, these lectures provide a comprehensive overview of Islam and the Muslim world and are ideal for introducing the topic. The classroom style presentation covers five main areas: the basic practices, Islamic law, interfaith relations, spirituality and the Muslim contributions to modern civilization. Abdal Hakim Murad, a British convert fluent in Arabic, presents the material from a highly intellectual perspective and his style is unique to most of his other lectures since he is speaking to non-Muslim academics. His deeper exploration of the subject results in a series which any non-Muslim, new Muslim or life-long Muslim can appreciate and benefit from. These lectures are essential for any person or organization seeking to educate others about the true teachings of Islam. Some of the topics discussed: why Islam seeks to govern all aspects of life, tradition vs. modernity, the Qur'anic view of Jews, historical Muslim tolerance of Jews, the Qur'anic view of Christianity and Jesus, free will vs. determinism, the problem of evil, music as a spiritual healing, and Arab Muslims as a great maritime nation. Since these lectures were given to a non-Muslim audience, the speaker's use of references may not be as extensive as one may expect. (Duration: 10 hours, 40 min)

Includes the following titles:
The Five Pillars of Islam
Sunnah, Shari'ah, Sectarianism and Ijtihad
Scriptural Links Between Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Muslim-Christian Views of One Another
Muslim Theology and Islamic Mysticism
The Muslim Influence on Europe and West

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