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Is a Person Who has Final Exams in Ramadhaan Exempted from Fasting? - Dr Zakir Naik

Is a Person Who has Final Exams in Ramadhaan Exempted from Fasting? - Dr Zakir Naik


Yusuf Chambers: Next question from the gentleman who says he is an engineer in the final year would be graduate student his final year examination lies in the month of Ramadhaan we’re talking about last Ramadhaan I believe his mother and his parents advised him not to observe the fast during the month of Ramadhaan because it may effect his examination result. Is he exempted from fasting on this basis?

Dr. Zakir: A person who does not want to fast only because of the examination it is not a valid reason even though it may be a final exam and maybe the parents may coax that don’t fast if you fast then maybe your concentration will go down and the results will become less even if the parents force at this point of time the child the son or the daughter should not listen to the parents. Because if the parent tell you something which is against the teaching of Allah and His Rasul (saws) that’s the only time where they can disobey their parents.

Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Ankaboot ch. 29 verse no. 8 as well as in Surah Luqman ch. No. 31 verse no. 15 that

“If your parents force you or strive [do jihad] to make you worship somebody else besides Allah (Swt) do not obey them but yet live with them with love and companionship”

So here Qur’an gives permission because that is not a legitimate reason that because the examination is there they don’t want to fast so that they can get good marks. Getting marks in the Aakhirah, doing a faraidh is more important that’s the reason this is not a valid reason and the person should yet fast, InshaAllah Allah will help him and he will do better in examination the help of Allah is more important than any other help

And Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Ale-Imran ch. No. 3 verse no. 160

“If Allah helps you none can overcome you, if Allah forsakes you, who is there then who can help you so let the believers put their trust in Allah (swt)”

So my advice is that even if it’s an examination, let them fast InshaAllah their concentration will be better and they’ll get better marks InshaAllah.

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