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Zakaat Decreases your Love for Wealth - Dr Zakir Naik

Zakaat Decreases your Love for Wealth - Dr Zakir Naik

Yusuf Chambers: I’d like to ask you though, in the case of a person who unfortunately is little bit miserly, doesn’t really want to pay the Zakaat therefore, what advice would you like to give to that particular person that person is very well off but due to miserliness they decide to forgo the Zakaat. What is your advice to that person?

Dr. Zakir: There are various verses in the Qur’an and several Ahadith which you can narrate to these people who are miser and don’t want to give Zakaat in order to encourage them to give Zakaat. Allah says in the

Qur’an in Surah Fajr ch. no. 89 verse no. 20

“And those who love their wealth with excessive love”,

talking about these people who are miserly, further

Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Aadiyaat ch. no. 100 verse no. 8 that

“And he is voluntary in love with his wealth”,

You know those people…. talking about, those people who live wealth so much and are dying for the wealth; So Allah is giving warning to these people

Allah says in Surah Taghaabun ch. no. 64 verse no. 15 that

“Your wealth and your children are a trial for you, are a test for you”

Allah is telling all these things that you love so much are a test, are a trial for you

And there is a Hadith of Tirmidhi (Book of Zuhd) Hadith no. 2336 where the beloved Prophet said that

“Every Ummah will be tested with something and my Ummah will be tested by wealth.”

Wealth is a test for my Ummah and Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) gives an example in the Qur’an in
Surah Qalam ch. no. 68 verse no. 17 to 33 and

“Allah narrates the story of a person who owns a beautiful big garden and this person was very charitable whatever earnings he got from the garden, he spent whatever was required for the family and in maintaining the garden and the rest everything he used to give in charity so this continues for a long time. After this person died his children, they said that “what a fool our father was! He gave everything in charity” so what they decided that when whatever harvest they get, whatever goods they get they will slowly at night take it away to their own homes, the children decided and no one will come to know. So when the fruits and everything came, they took it to their homes and next day when they came to the garden everything was ruined, the complete garden was absolutely ruined. And only their garden was affected and there the Qur’an says in

Surah Qalam ch. 68 verse no. 31

“And we have transgressed the limit”

And Allah says in the next verse in

Surah Qalam ch. 68 verse 33 that

“For these people there is a punishment in this world and more severe punishment in the hereafter.” ...

#DateWithDrZakir #Zakaat #Decreases #Love #Wealth

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