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What's the Purpose of life? What's it all about? Why am I here?

Thank you for being with us here this evening.

My objective here with my talk is to awaken the hearts. To help to stimulate and motivate everyone in this room, to stop, ponder and reflect. On these key and important points that i'm going to mention. On what's it all about? What's the purpose of my life? And why am I here? and where am I going when I depart from this beautiful place?

It doesn't make sense that everything in this room that we can see, that we can observe has a purpose, but the human-being doesn't have a purpose. I challenge everybody in this room, to find me one thing that doesn't have a purpose. Inside the room, and out side the room. If we ended upon the moon, we want to know why we were here? Maybe they might be a Starbucks, I'd go get a Frappuccino, A cappuccino, take a little break get myself together, but then I'd be on the hunt to figure out, Why am I on the moon? Let alone why am i on this Earth?

If you ask somebody at the bus stop - Where are you going?
And they said I don't know! You'd think that's a problem.

If somebody at the University was asked - What are you doing here?
And the person didn't have a clue. That'd be a problem.

So my objective here is to aweaken, the hearts, and the minds, to contemplate, and to think. On these very important points, on why am I here? What is my purpose?

Now I got to ask this question to elderly individual in his seventies, and I asked him, young man, being facetious I want to benefit, from your years of experience, and your wisdom. Would you allow me to ask you a question?
And he said sure young man go ahead.
I said have you ever, in all of your years of living, have you ever thought about, or has anyone ever asked you this important question? What's the purpose of life? And why are you here?
I said the car that we drive has a purpose! The keys in the ignition have a purpose! The hat on your head has a purpose!
What about us? Do we have a purpose?
He said young man it's a very profound question, you've left me with something to think about, I haven't really given it much thought, but now, I definitely will.
My job was done. And that is my objective, here with you guys today, to leave you with something, deep and profound, to think about. Some people might say: I figured this one out Eddie!
It's to make a lot of money! Go ahead and add fame to the equation, and power. But we know that there have been people who have, A massed, Enough money. That in a 100 life times they wouldn't be able to spend it. And people have committed suicide because they have lost a fraction of it. And it didn't bring that peace and contentment that when one does figure out the purpose, of why they are here - it should bring some solace to the heart.

Someone might say well you know, I get a lot of comfort and solace in helping people that's the purpose, I've figured it out.

But it has to be universal, it has to fit for all. Because there are some people, who can't even help themselves. Let alone help other people, like a person in a wheel chair, someone who's blind, someone who's handicap.
Someone might say you know what? It's to start a family. It's to have a lot of kids.
Now someone might object and say: I've been there and i have done that, she took half of it and I don't have any more to give.
Or someone has tried to re marry and they just can't.

So it has to be something that's universal and it has to be a fit all, for all, so my objective here is to awaken the heart in that voice deep down inside and to start to ask because design indicates a designer.

And we would go back to the manufacturer of the car to ask how to operate all these fancy little gadgets(in the car), also on the iPhone, iPad and the iMac. So if I can do my small little part and give that advice for each and every one of us to stop, pounder, reflect and to think! And to awaken the heart and that litle voice inside, and to ask the Designer who Designed all of this. What's my purpose? What's it all about? Why am I here?

Thank you very much!

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What's the Purpose of life? What's it all about? Why am I here?

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