What makes the Quran miraculous? - Q&A - Sh. Dr. Yasir Qadhi
10 years ago
This Quran is challenge from Allah to mankind and the jinn to produce anything like it, but they were unable to. Then He challenged them to produce only ten soorahs like it, and they were unable to. Then He challenged them to produce something like the shortest soorah in the Quraan, and they could not do it, even though those who were being challenged were the most eloquent and well-spoken of mankind, and the Quran was revealed in their language. This challenge has remained down throughout history, but not one person has been able to produce anything like it. If this were the word of a human being, some people would have been able to produce something like it or close to it.
Listen to Sh. Dr. Yasir Qadhi's answer.
Listen to Sh. Dr. Yasir Qadhi's answer.
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