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What are the qualifications to become a scholar in Islam? - Q&A - Sh. Shady Alsuleiman

An important reminder dear brothers and sisters! We live in a time where we have too many wannabe ''facebook scholars''. Islam is not a game where anyone can interpret and find out what Allah wants from us. This is an Important reminder, give a few minutes to see it inshaAllah.

Some times we see Muslims being referred to as scholars when in fact they are not scholars. It is important to know what's required for a person to be considered an Islamic scholar. It is the scholars' of the religion we must adhere to, or else we are doomed to go astray. The Prophet (pbuh) said:

''Allaah won't remove knowledge after giving it to you by removing it (from you). Rather he will remove it from (later generations) by taking (the souls of) the scholars along with their knowledge, until only ignorant people remain. They will be asked for religious verdicts, so they will issue verdicts based on their opinions, leading others astray and going astray themselves.''
[Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol. 9, pp. 305-6, no. 410.]

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