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Was Muhammad (pbuh) a Prophet of God? - Dr. Shabir Ally vs. Tony Costa

Was Muhammad (pbuh) a Prophet of God? - Dr. Shabir Ally vs. Tony Costa

Dr. Shabir Ally is president of the Islamic Information & Dawah Centre International in Toronto, Canada. He is a Muslim activist, academic, scholar and public speaker on Islam and comparative religion. He is viewed as the leading Muslim debater in the world on Islam and Christianity, having engaged in public debates around the world with noted theologians, Christian apologists and renowned philosophers. Dr. Shabir Ally holds an M.A. and PhD in Islamic studies from the University of Toronto, and a BA in religious studies from Laurentian University with a specialization in Biblical Literature. He is the author of numerous booklets on Islam and Christianity.

Tony Costa has earned a B.A. and an M.A. in the study of religion, biblical studies, and philosophy from the University of Toronto. Tony received his PhD in the area of theology and New Testament studies from Radboud University in the Netherlands. He is a member of the Society of Biblical Literature, the Evangelical Theological Society, and the Evangelical Philosophical Society. His area of expertise is biblical and systematic theology, cults, the New Age Movement, and comparative world religions with a specialization in Islam. Tony is also an ordained minister of the Gospel. As a Christian apologist Dr. Costa gives reasons for the valid belief in Christianity and also advocates the unique claims of Jesus Christ. He also lectures at various universities and colleges on the existence of God as well as the credibility of the Christian faith. Tony is also a professor of apologetics with the Toronto Baptist Seminary. He also serves as an adjunct professor with Heritage College and Seminary in Cambridge, Ontario and Providence Theological Seminary in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He has lectured and ministered throughout Canada, the United States, and overseas. He is the author of Worship and the Risen Jesus in the Pauline Letters (New York: Peter Lang Publishers, 2013). Tony is happily married to a wonderful wife, has 3 children, and a grandson, and resides in Toronto, Canada.

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