United We Stand & Divided We fall - Feiz Mohammed
11 years ago
Powerful speech "United We Stand & Divided We fall" by Feiz Mohammed.
'Islamic Brotherhood'. All Muslims are brothers and equal in the sight of Allâh regardless of race, color and their disputes. The Messenger of Allâh (sallAllâh u alaihi wasallam) said:
"It is not permitted for a Muslim to break relations with his Muslim brother for more than three nights each turning away from the other when they meet. And the best of them is he who is first to begin greeting the other with Salâms." [Sahîh al-Bukharî and Sahîh Muslim]
The Messenger of Allâh (sallAllâh u alaihi wasallam) taught Brotherhood to the Muslims with great emphasis, he said:
"A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim; he neither oppresses him nor does he fail him. Whoever removes a worldly grief from a believer, Allâh will remove from him one of his grieves on the Day of Judgment. Whosoever shields a Muslim, Allâh will shield him on the Day of Resurrection." [Sahîh al-Bukharî and Sahîh Muslim]
"The believers in their mutual love are like the human body, where the eye is in agony, the entire body feels pain, when head aches, all the body will suffer." [Sahîh Muslim]
"The bonds of brotherhood between two Muslims are like parts of a house, one part strengthening the other." [Sahîh al-Bukharî]
Islamic Brotherhood is not just theoretical but is practically illustrated from the fundamental aspects of Islâm : - The Salâh (Prayer): All Muslims stand shoulder to shoulder while praying.
Zakâh (Annual Charity): Charity is highly encouraged in Islâm and made obligatory for the wealthy Muslim to give a portion of their yearly savings to his poor Muslim brother.
Hajj (Pilgrimage): Muslims (men) wear a similar dress of two sheets of cloth indicating the equality of Islamic brotherhood.
Born in Australia, Sydney, Feiz Muhammad travelled to Medinah seeking knowledge from several Scholars of Islam. After having spent 4 years studying in the Islamic University of Medinah, Sheikh Feiz travelled back to Sydney to live his dream - to call to the path of Allah. His unique style of speech attracts a wide range of listeners, and is very beneficial and interesting to listen to.
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'Islamic Brotherhood'. All Muslims are brothers and equal in the sight of Allâh regardless of race, color and their disputes. The Messenger of Allâh (sallAllâh u alaihi wasallam) said:
"It is not permitted for a Muslim to break relations with his Muslim brother for more than three nights each turning away from the other when they meet. And the best of them is he who is first to begin greeting the other with Salâms." [Sahîh al-Bukharî and Sahîh Muslim]
The Messenger of Allâh (sallAllâh u alaihi wasallam) taught Brotherhood to the Muslims with great emphasis, he said:
"A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim; he neither oppresses him nor does he fail him. Whoever removes a worldly grief from a believer, Allâh will remove from him one of his grieves on the Day of Judgment. Whosoever shields a Muslim, Allâh will shield him on the Day of Resurrection." [Sahîh al-Bukharî and Sahîh Muslim]
"The believers in their mutual love are like the human body, where the eye is in agony, the entire body feels pain, when head aches, all the body will suffer." [Sahîh Muslim]
"The bonds of brotherhood between two Muslims are like parts of a house, one part strengthening the other." [Sahîh al-Bukharî]
Islamic Brotherhood is not just theoretical but is practically illustrated from the fundamental aspects of Islâm : - The Salâh (Prayer): All Muslims stand shoulder to shoulder while praying.
Zakâh (Annual Charity): Charity is highly encouraged in Islâm and made obligatory for the wealthy Muslim to give a portion of their yearly savings to his poor Muslim brother.
Hajj (Pilgrimage): Muslims (men) wear a similar dress of two sheets of cloth indicating the equality of Islamic brotherhood.
Born in Australia, Sydney, Feiz Muhammad travelled to Medinah seeking knowledge from several Scholars of Islam. After having spent 4 years studying in the Islamic University of Medinah, Sheikh Feiz travelled back to Sydney to live his dream - to call to the path of Allah. His unique style of speech attracts a wide range of listeners, and is very beneficial and interesting to listen to.
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