The Repentance of Dawood | Surah Saad | EP2 - Tawfique Chowdhury
10 years ago
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Dawood (álayhis salaam) was one of the most revered of Prophets! He would praise Allah beautifully night and day. The mighty mountains and the sweet-voiced birds would join him as he praised his Lord. And Allah favored him with sound judgement. And yet, this Prophet of Allah was tested in the very thing he knew best. What did he do that he had to repent to his Lord? And how was this repentance?
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Dawood (álayhis salaam) was one of the most revered of Prophets! He would praise Allah beautifully night and day. The mighty mountains and the sweet-voiced birds would join him as he praised his Lord. And Allah favored him with sound judgement. And yet, this Prophet of Allah was tested in the very thing he knew best. What did he do that he had to repent to his Lord? And how was this repentance?