The Reality of Jinn in the Qur'an and Sunnah ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi | 20th April 2014
11 years ago
A creation made from a smokeless fire invisible to the eyes of men, a world immersed in mystery & folklore.
From old wives' tales to Hollywood blockbusters the world of Jinns has been exploited & fantasized to create superstitious beliefs and fabricated legends.
Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi separates truth from myth in this new talk entitled 'The Reality of Jinn in the Qur'an & Sunnah'.
Not a talk for the faint-hearted!
Hollywood Movie Jinn - Ajmal Zaheer Ahmad, Ray Park, Serinda Swan, Faran Tahir
From old wives' tales to Hollywood blockbusters the world of Jinns has been exploited & fantasized to create superstitious beliefs and fabricated legends.
Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi separates truth from myth in this new talk entitled 'The Reality of Jinn in the Qur'an & Sunnah'.
Not a talk for the faint-hearted!
Hollywood Movie Jinn - Ajmal Zaheer Ahmad, Ray Park, Serinda Swan, Faran Tahir