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The Realities of Bid'ah (Innovations in Islam) - Abu Suhaib

Whose words are better than the words of Allah and his Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him)?
Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Every Bid'ah (innovation) is misguidance and all misguidance is in the Hellfire." Reported by an-Nasaa'ee (1/224)

He (peace be upon him) also said: "Every innovation is misguidance and going astray"
Reported by Abu Daawood (no. 4607), at-Tirmidhee (no. 2676)

Do you really love Allah and his messenger (peace be upon him)? Then ask yourself why is this not enough for you to know that Bid'ah is something to stay away from and warn others about?

Sheikh Abu Suhaib talks about some of the following -

What is the Sharia definition of Bid'ah (innovation)?

why is Bid'ah so dangerous to Islam?

How has shaytaan fooled many Muslims into thinking they are doing something good by doing bid'ah (innovation)?

Did the salaf involve themselves in bid'ah?

What proof is there in the Quran and Sunnah, the Companions and their students that bid'ah is totally wrong and why where they totally against bid'ah (innovation)?

How has Islam been destroyed by Bid'ah (innovation)?

Why do some Muslims insist on doing Bid'ah and have the Muslims benefited from bid'ah (innovation) or become even more divided?

Is there such thing as Good Bid'ah?

Why have some Muslims become so fed up of hearing the word BID'AH?

And much more...


Sheikh Abu Suhaib Bassaam Ali Abul Haaj is of Jordanian and Palestinian origin, he had studied under Sheikh Muhammed Nasirudeen al Albaani rahimullah (may Allah have mercy upon him) from 1992 onwards and has since studied under his students. He has tazkiyyah from Sheikhs Mashhoor Aal Salmaan, Alee Al Halabee and Saleem Al Hilaalee. Abu Suhaib is a very popular speaker, especially amongst the youth. He is currently residing in High Wycombe, UK where he is the Imam and Khateeb of the Masjid as-Salam (High Wycombe Islamic Society) (WISE) and does many classes there. He also delivers lectures all across the United Kingdom.

Al-Huda Masjid is a community masjid situated on Legrams Lane in Bradford 7, close to the University of Bradford. The masjid has capacity for 600 worshippers, with the potential for another 300 worshippers once the development of the basement floor is completed. On average the masjid is used by approximately 300 people every week. Programmes are delivered in the masjid in both English and Urdu.

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