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The Quran Described the Spherical Shape of the Earth and the Light of the Moon being Reflected ...

The Quran Described the Spherical Shape of the Earth and the Light of the Moon being Reflected 1400 Years Ago - Dr Zakir Naik


Previously we human beings we thought that the world was flat. It was in 1577, when Sir Francis Drake sailed around the earth that he first time proved that the earth on which we live it is spherical in shape. The Qur'an mentions 1400 years ago in
Surah Naziat, Chapter.No.79, Verse.No.30,
“Wal Arda Ba’da Dhalika Dahaha”
And thereafter we have made the earth egg-shaped
One of the meanings of ‘Dahaha’ is an expanse and the earth is an expanse, the other meaning is derived from the Arabic word ‘Duiya’ which means an egg.
And today we know, the earth is not completely round like a ball, it is flattened from the pole, it is geo-spherical in shape. And if we analyze the Arabic word ‘Dahaha’ doesn’t refer to a normal egg it specifically refers to the egg of an Ostrich. And if we analyze the egg of an Ostrich is too is Geo-Spherical in shape. Imagine, the Glorious Qur'an 1400 years ago says that the shape of the earth is geo-spherical in shape.
Previously we did not know that the light of moon was its own light. Previously we thought that the light of the moon was its own light. Recently we have come to know that the light of the moon is not its own light but it is a reflected light, borrowed light. But Qur'an says in
Surah Furqaan, Chapter no. 25, Verse No.61,
Blessed is He Who has placed the constellations in the sky, and placed therein sun, a lamp having its own light, and moon having borrowed or reflected light.
So the Quran describes the moon light as borrowed or reflected which we came to know recently in science. Recently in science means, 50 years back, 100 years back, 200 years back.

#Quran #Described #Spherical #Shape #Earth #Light #Moon #Reflected #1400 #Years #Ago #Zakir #Naik #Zakirnaik #Drzakirnaik #Dr #Drzakirchannel #Allah #Allaah #God #Muslim #Islam #Islaam #Comparative #Religion #ComparativeReligion #Atheism #Atheist #Christianity #Christian #Hinduism #Hindu #Buddhism #Buddhist #Judaism #Jew #Sikhism #Sikh #Jainism #Jain #Lecture #Question #Answer #QuestionsandAnswer #Logic #Reason #Science #Misconception #Misunderstanding #PeaceTV #Dawah #Muhammad #Mohammed #Hadeeth #Hadith #Saheeh #Sahih #Man #Woman #Human #Humanity #Problem #Solution #Rights #Media #War #Peace #Similarities #Debate #Lecture #Quran #Quraan #AlQuran #AlQuraan #Bible #Veda #Gita #Geeta #Baghwat #Upanishad #Purana #Terrorism #Terrorist #Universal #Brotherhood #Word #Purpose #Life #Jihad #Jihaad #Jesus #Christ #Jesuschrist #Church #Mosque #Masjid #Perspective #Ask #AskDrZakir #Seeking #Knowledge #Education #NonMuslim #Fundamentalist #Fundamentalism #Symposium #Dialogue #Salaah #Salah #Shariah #Scripture #Ahmed #Deedat #AhmedDeedat #Daee #Missionary #pewdiepie #asmr #music #markiplier #oldtownroad #pewdiepievstseries #billieeilish #fortnite #Concept #West #Family #Global #Ramadhaan #Ramadan #Tauheed #Tawheed #Monotheism #Zakaat #Zakat #Zakah #Hajj #Saum #Fasting #Makkah #Mecca #Madinah #India #Malaysia #Ummah #Unity #Importance #Date #Isamophobia #Understand #Deen #Fardh #Fard #Haraam #Haram #Sunnah #Mustahab #Waajib #Wajib #Compulsory #Prohibited #Encouraged #Permissible #Permitted #Prohibited #Sin #Sinful #Heaven #Hell #Hellfire #Jannah #Jahannum #Paradise

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