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The Outstanding Character of the Pious Predecessors - Abu Suhaib Bassaam Ali Abul Haaj

As series of talks from the recent conferance organised by dawah manchester dicusing the different aspects of the character of muhammad (peace be upon him). and how it affected those around him.
This lecture is about the best of examples with the Outstanding Characters where the Salaf as-Salih (the pious predecessors).

part 1 - The Status of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) - Shaykh Muhammad Al-Maliki

part 2 - Why we should follow the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) - Abu Usamah Ath-Thahabi

part 3 - The Outstanding Character of the Pious Predecessors - Abu Suhaib Bassaam Ali Abul Haaj

part 4 - Prophet's lifestyle with his wives & relatives - Mohammad Al-Malki

part 5 - Prophet's attitude with those that fell into sin - Umar Al-Jaamayki

part 6 - Was Muhammad (?) a Warlord and Murderer? - Abu Usamah

part 7 - How did Muhammad deal with the people of ignorance - Abu Usamah At-Thahabi


Sheikh Abu Suhaib Bassaam Ali Abul Haaj is of Jordanian and Palestinian origin, he had studied under Sheikh Muhammed Nasirudeen al Albaani rahimullah (may Allah have mercy upon him) from 1992 onwards and has since studied under his students. He has tazkiyyah from Sheikhs Mashhoor Aal Salmaan, Alee Al Halabee and Saleem Al Hilaalee. Abu Suhaib is a very popular speaker, especially amongst the youth. He is currently residing in High Wycombe, u.k where he is the Imam and Khateeb of the Masjid as-Salam (High Wycombe Islamic Society) (WISE) and does many classes there. He also delivers lectures all across the United Kingdom.

About the Organisation -

Dawah Manchester is a small organisation working with Masjid Sunnah to inshaAllah bring benefit to the community. We have plans to inshaAllah have regular activities for the community, but we need your help to achieve this.

Our aims are to have regular activities for the youth which will include sports and Islamic lessons tailored for different age groups, including Quran, Arabic, and Islamic Studies. We also want to continue with dawah and this will include having regular circles, classes for adults and more conferences. Our long term project is to build an extension to Masjid Sunnah which will enable us to use it as a multi-purpose venue. It will be not just a prayer space but its main functions will be for youth activities, circles, teaching, sisters activities and much more. We are not looking to raise huge sums of money for an extravagant building, we are simply looking to raise a relatively small amount of that will help us build a centre which will benefit the whole community inshaAllah.

We request support from our Muslim brothers and sisters to donate generously and invest in our children's future as well.

Please donate wholeheartedly by:
- Sending cheques payable to 'Dawah Manchester'
- Completing and returning the standing order form for regular donations
- Bank transfer to HSBC Bank
Sort Code: 403142
Account No: 52863278

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