Tariq Ramadan | "Muhammad ﷺ: Mercy To Makind" | MAS-ICNA Convention
9 years ago
Topic: Muhammad ﷺ: Mercy to Mankind (وما أرسلناك إلا رحمةً للعالمين)
Listen to our distinguished speakers as they go in depth about this year’s convention theme “Muhammad ﷺ: Mercy to Mankind.”
The Annual MAS-ICNA Convention is one of the largest and most diverse Islamic conventions in North America. The convention take place in Chicago, Illinois every December during the winter holiday season.
Follow us on Social Media with #MAS15
Facebook: MAS-ICNA Convention
Instagram: MASICNA
Snapchat: MASICNA
Listen to our distinguished speakers as they go in depth about this year’s convention theme “Muhammad ﷺ: Mercy to Mankind.”
The Annual MAS-ICNA Convention is one of the largest and most diverse Islamic conventions in North America. The convention take place in Chicago, Illinois every December during the winter holiday season.
Follow us on Social Media with #MAS15
Facebook: MAS-ICNA Convention
Instagram: MASICNA
Snapchat: MASICNA