Surat al-Takathur Explained (Tafsir) | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf
7 years ago
Shaykh recites the verses of Surah At-Takathur and begins the explanation of the first verse. The first ayyah criticises those people who engage themselves in mundane tasks, purposefully wanting to disengage themselves from Allah. The Shaykh mentions the difference between the heart and the bodily limbs being disengaged from Allah, revealing that the heart being engrossed in the mundane is worse than a heedless physical action. A person is either in a state of obedience or disobedience. They cannot be doing both. He also highlights the fact that the reason for low concentration levels in salaah is due to the engrossment and heedless state of the heart in ones day to day tasks. To combat this the seeker is advised to rectify their intention whilst doing any task, aiming to always keep Allah in mind. By attempting to remember Allah in ones day to day tasks, the seeker will then find their concentration levels improving during acts of worships.
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