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Should Children Fast During Ramadhan? - Dr Zakir Naik

Should Children Fast During Ramadhaan? - Dr Zakir Naik


Yusuf Chambers: What’s your thoughts on children fasting in the month of Ramadhaan before they get to the age

Dr. Zakir: As I mentioned earlier it is not compulsory for a child who has not reached the age of puberty to fast, it’s not compulsory they’re exempted.

As our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws) said…

Yusuf Chambers: (saws)

Dr. Zakir: There’s a Hadith in Tirmidhi Hadith no. 1423, our beloved Prophet said that

“The pen has been lifted up from 3 categories of people: A child until he reaches puberty, a sleeping person until he wakes up and a person who is insane until he becomes of sound mind.”

So these 3 categories of people, the beloved Prophet said the pen has been lifted that means it’s not obligatory on them to fast. Same as prayer also, they are not obliged but it’s good to encourage our children to fast as early as possible though it’s not compulsory and there is a Hadith which is mentioned in

Sahih Bukhari Vol. no. 3 in the Book of fasting Hadith no. 1960

where the beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws), he tells to the people of Ansar, he sends a messenger and tells them to inform that

“Those who are fasting they should continue fasting, those who are not fasting should as till the end of the day and after that the people, the Sahabas they said we fasted and we will ask our children to fast and we’ll take them in the Masajids. And if they cried we give them toys of wool so that they keep themselves busy till the time of Iftaar”

That means this is how the Sahabas, they encouraged their children to fast at an early age though it was not compulsory and this is a good habit that many a times we’ve seen nowadays that many of the parents they discourage the children from fasting even if the child is enthusiastic and says I want to fast many parents say that at this young age, it’s not required, don’t fast. They fail to realize that fasting at a young age ill not cause them any harm in fact it will give them a training to fast when they reach puberty.

And Allah says in the Quran in Surah Tahreem ch. no. 66 verse no. 6

“Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo”

“O you who believe save yourselves and your families from the torment of hellfire whose fuel is men and stones”

Allah is reminding the people that don’t only save yourself even your children from the hellfire whose fuel is men and stones. So it is good to encourage our children to fast at an early age. And that’s what we do in school that we are running, the Islamic International School. We encourage them to fast at an early age even when they are in Junior KG or in Sr. KG at the age of 4, 5, 6 we encourage them. And at this age, the age of 4, 5, 6 we say that the person who fasts the maximum in the class will get a gift, will get a reward. And that encourages them and when they reach Std. 1st i.e. approximately the age of 6, Alhumdulillah most of the children fast the full month. And by the time they reach Std. 3rd that’s about 7, 8 years almost all of them fast the full month of Ramadhaan though it is not compulsory.

So Alhumdulillah and when they see other children fasting, imagine most of the parents, they tell them O its not required but the children they force that we want to fast because of competition. Because of seeing their friends, all of them fasting. So if they don’t fast, they feel ashamed though it’s not a Fard on them. But the atmosphere you create don’t tell them it is Fard to fast, the atmosphere ...

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