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Rites of Hajj - Sunnah Tours - (Part 2) - Abdul-Qaadir Baksh

Are you making Hajj this year? If its a yes then this 3 Part lecture will help you through a simple guide on Hajj its rulings, help and advise, tips, do's and Donts, what to expect, and much more. So don't leave it till you get there and face the many problems and question many face every year.

Part 2 from this series of talks 'Rites of Hajj' covers the hajj itself.
How to preform Hajj?
What are the rulings on Hajj?
What can nullify a Hajj?
What are the rituals of Hajj?
The do's and Donts and what everyone in general needs to know.
and much more...

Part1 - Hajj Journey Advise - Sunnah Tours - Taj Qadhi -

Part 2 - Rites of Hajj - Sunnah Tours - Abdul-Qaadir Baksh -

Part 3 - Medical Advise -


At Sunnah Tours we specialise in helping people to ensure they perform Hajj and Umrah according to the Qur'an and Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him]. With over a decade of experience, we have gained a reputation for arranging high quality Hajj and Umrah tours. For us Hajj and Umrah is a noble service in which we aim to offer the best possible advice and assistance, trying to ensure you have a wonderful Hajj Insha'Allah and experience the journey of a lifetime.


Would you like to make further enquiries or book a place for Hajj or Umrah?
You can contact us by email:


Or you can visit us at:
Sunnah Tours
168 Westgate

Alternatively why not send us a message by using the contact form below and someone form our team will get back to you Insha'Allah.

0845 0519105 (Office Line 1)

01274 735 877 (Office Line 2)

07568 333 608 (Mobile)


Abdul-Qaadir Baksh is a Khateeb at Masjid Ghurabaa Luton, united kindom.
He studied the Arabic language course in Madeenah University from 1991 to 1994. He also studied the following books with the Mashaayikh and students of knowledge in Madeenah: Kitaab at -Tawheed from Saheeh al-Bukhaaree, Kitaab at-Tawheed, Usool ath-Thalaathah, Kashfu Shubahaat, 'Aqeedah Wasitiyyah, 'Aqeedah al-Hamawiyyah, Ajrumiyyah, Usool Tafsir, and a number of different chapters of Fiqh from different books such as Kitaabu Tahara, Kitaabu Salaat, Kitaabu Bay' and Kitaabu Nikkah, and others besides those already listed.
After returning to the UK Abu Saifillah studied a degree at Westminster University in Arabic Language and Middle Eastern politics. He has completed a Masters at Dirasatul Islamiyyah, Loughborough University at the Markfield campus. Along with this he has been doing personal studies, going through books with explanations from the Mashaayikh on tapes. He has been active and continuous in seeking knowledge and studying since 1991.
Da'wah Efforts:
Abu Saifillah has been at the forefront of da'wah and establishing an Islamic
community in his home town of Luton, UK (which has approx. 40,000 Muslims).
Ad-Da'wat-us-Salafiyyah was unheard of in Luton prior to 1991, but by the Grace of Allaah, Abu Saifillah (and others) managed to establish a small propagation centre above a shop in the heart of Luton's Muslim community and began da'wah from there. Since then the da'wah has gone from strength to strength and has grown to where it is now. This enabled the da'wah to purchase a former Synagogue which was subsequently converted into a Masjid and Islaamic Centre.
This was followed by the establishment of a Muslim Nursery, a Muslim Primary School, and a Prisoner Rehabilitation and Muslim Youth Project.
Many brothers and families have made an internal Hijrah to Luton because of the efforts Abu Saifillah and others made in da'wah and in establishing and
preserving a Muslim community there. All of this spreading of good and building of provisions for the Muslims cannot come about except by the permission of Allaah and then by good leadership and Islaamic knowledge.
For many years Abu Saifillah has dealt with community problems ranging from
marital, to business, to personal problems. He seeks the advice of the scholars by phone when dealing with them, or knowledge based fataawaa if the problem has already been addressed. Like DigitalMimbar on Facebook:
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