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Ramadhaan and Brotherhood - Dr Zakir Naik

Yusuf Chambers: Dr. Zakir, Ramadhaan is truly a wonderful month and I have felt it, always felt it myself but brothers and sisters come together and seems to be a wonderful bond in that month between us all. Is there any special message about Ramadhaan and brotherhood?

Dr. Zakir: Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws) said that the Muslim is one body. All the Muslims, they are one body and if we analyze and we look around, all the Muslims we are different, we are diversified as far as language is concerned, as far as color is concerned, as far as the race is concerned, as far as the country where we come from, we are diversified, different but we are united under one statement ‘La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasool Allah’ that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the messenger of Allah. So based only on this Kalma the Muslims throughout the world are united.

And Allah says in the Quran in Surah Hujuraat ch. no. 49 verse no. 13
“Ya ayyuha alnnasu inna khalaqnakum min thakarin waontha wajaAAalnakum shuAAooban waqaba-ila litaAAarafoo inna akramakum AAinda Allahi atqakum inna Allaha AAaleemun khabeer”

which means

“O humankind We have created you from a single pair of male and female and have divided you into nations and tribes so that you shall recognize each other not that you shall despise each other. And the most honored in the sight of Allah (Swt) is the person who has Taqwa.”

The criteria for judgment in the sight of Allah (swt) is not cast, is not color, is not race, is not sex, is not wealth, it is Taqwa, it is God consciousness, it is piety. And this month of Ramadhaan,

Allah say in Surah Baqrah ch.. 2 verse 183

“la allakum tattaqoon”

So that you may learn self restraint, so that your Taqwa may increase. So more your Taqwa increases, all the Muslims in the world, they are united. Because we are like one brotherhood cast, color, creed cannot differentiate us, we are one and in the month of Ramadhaan our Taqwa increases and the brotherhood increases. And the best example of brotherhood was given at the time of the Prophet. The Sahabas came from different countries, different colors, different races; we have the example of Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, he was a Quraish. We have the example of Bilal, may Allah be pleases with him, he was from Ethiopia, he was Ethiopian. We have the example of Shuaib, may Allah be pleases with him, he was a Roman. We have the example of Salman Pharsi, may Allah be pleased with him, he was from Persia.

So we are from different-different countries, different-different race, different-different colors and we go down the line of the history of Islam further we have the same thing we have Imam Bukhari, he was a great scholar, he was from Bukhara, he was not an Arab, we have Mohammad, the conqueror, he was from Turkey, he was a Turk. We have the example of Salman Ayyubi, he was a Curd, then we have the example of Allama Iqbal, he was from India so what we know that we have Muslims from different parts of the world and this brotherhood we learn more in the month of Ramadhaan because our Taqwa level increases in the month of Ramadhaan.

And our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws) said, it’s a Hadith of

Bukhari Vol. no. 1 Hadith no. 468, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws) said that

“One faithful believer, one Muslim to another Muslim is like a brick of a wall and he clasped his hand like that.”...

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