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Prophesies of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Parsi Scriptures - Dr Zakir Naik

Prophesies of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Parsi Scriptures - Dr Zakir Naik


Let us discuss the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Parsi scriptures.

Zoroaster was the founder of Zoroastrianism also known as Parsism. It originated in Persia about 2,500 years ago. It is also called as a religion of Magianism or a religion of fire worshipers.

The sacred scriptures of the Parsis are the Dasaatir and the Avesta. Avesta is also called as the Zend Avesta. The Dasaatir is further divided in Khurda Dasatir and Kalan Dasatir.
The Avesta is also further divided into Khurda Avesta and Kalan Avesta also known as Zend and Maha-Zend.

If you read these Parsi scriptures, in several places Prophet Muhammad (saws) has been prophesized. It’s mentioned in the avesta in parvadin yasht chapter no. 28 verse no. 129 it says that his name will be victorious, his name will be astvet areta, he will be called as Soeshyant it says that he will be called as victorious as Soeshyant, his name will be astveth Aretha

and we know Prophet Muhammad (saws) was victorious in fateh Makkah and the word Soeshyant according to Hastings encyclopedia means a person who is praiseworthy which is the translation of the Arabic word Muhammad (pbuh).

So Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is mentioned by name in the Parsi scriptures. It also says he will be Astveth areta. Astveth Areta means a person who praises which is the translation of the second name of Muhammad (saws) that is Ahmad, Ahmad also means one who praises.

Further it’s prophesized in the avesta in Zamiyad yasht, chapter no. 16 verse no. 95 that his friends will come, the friends of astveth areta who will be fighting against the evil they will be well thinking, well speaking and well doing and their tongue will not utter a single falsehood.

This is talking about the sahabaa and the name again is mentioned astveth areta which means one who praises that is Ahmad (pbuh) which is the other name of Muhammad (saws). It talks about the sahaaba-that the companions of the Prophet will be good people they will be well thinking, speaking good things, they’ll be doing good things and their tongue will never utter a falsehood that means they will not tell a single lie. And we know from history that all the sahabaa MashaAllah they were truthful.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is also Prophesized in the Dasaatir that is the other scripture of the Parsis. Dasaatir means dus and atir a book containing ten parts, it is also a plural of dastur, dastur means a religious law so it is a book containing ten parts a religious law.

It’s mentioned in the dasaatir when the Parsis will forsake the religion, when the Zoroastrians will forsake the religion and they will become décolleté, a man will arise from the deserts, his followers will subjugate the Persians and will concur the arrogant Persians. They will be a mercy to the human kind, they will not worship the fire in the temple but will pray in the direction of the house of god of Abraham which will be free from idols. They will be the masters and rulers of Persia tusk, bulk and the other religious places of Parsis and their Prophet will be an aliquant person doing miraculous things.

This prophecy also refers to no one but the last and final Messenger Prophet Muhammad (saws).

It’s further mentioned in the bundahish ch. No. 30 verses 6-27 that the Soeshyant shall be the last prophet...

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