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My husband is a "Mujahid" but treats me bad! ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi

"The best of you are those who are best to their families, and I am the best of you to my family." ~ Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

The duty of a Muslim is to follow the Prophetic example and be the best towards his family. Indeed this is one of the greatest "jihad" a person can do in our times.

In Islam the term 'jihad' is a noble term that translates into all types of struggles in order to come closer to God by bettering oneself and the society around you. Sometimes, if the circumstances dictate, a 'jihad' can be physical, and at all times, one must wage a spiritual 'jihad' against one's lower self and baser inclinations.

Over the last couple of decades, however, this noble term has been hijacked by extremist movements who might be motivated by legitimate concerns, but express that motivation in un-Islamic manners, and cause destruction & bloodshed in the name of religion whilst overlooking their own responsibilities towards their wives, children and family.

Young overzealous youth, angered by the transgressions of Western powers, are often swayed by fancy rhetoric and enticing slogans into entering a military conflict that eventually ends up harming the very people they claim to protect - their family and their loved ones.

In this video clip Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi answers the heart-breaking concern of a sister 'My husband is a "Mujahid" but treats me bad!'

Watch the complete talk here:

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