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Muslims should have an English Islamic channel for Propagation of Islam Internationally – Dr Zakir

Muslims should have an English Islamic channel for Propagation of Islam Internationally – Dr Zakir Naik


Questioner: Assalamu Alaikum! My name is Samiullah Inayat. I’m a sales executive in an electrical company. Ah.. my question is normally the media is influenced by the state. The media is controlled by the state and especially in a Muslim country, I mean, in the middle east where the Arabs are there so how to… now what I have heard in the talk is generally it was for the general public but how the rulers of the state can improve the Muslim media in this level.

Dr. Zakir: See, as I said in my talk that the Muslims have got media, not that they don’t have. But they are mainly concentrated on the Muslims themselves. In India we have urdu media read only by the Muslims. In Pakistan urdu media read by the Muslims. We have here Arabic media, Arabic channels are many, good & bad many. But they’re mainly focusing on the Arabs. That is fine if the channel is good in Arabic you should continue I’m not saying it is wrong. If it’s a good channel on the lines of the Shariah like Madad channel etc. they are good channels. That is not sufficient what I’m telling you should have a media in a language which is an international language so that you can change the view of the international people; you can change the view of the world. Only by telling that Muslims are good amongst the Arabs where most of them are Muslims its not something great.

We should have a media in a language which is an international language. So my request is that fine you may be a ruler of an Arab country but why don’t you launch an English Islamic Channel which propagates the true teachings of Islam and it is shown through out the world. In America, in Europe, in Australia, in Middle East, in Asia. Why not? So that we can change the view and at the same time convey the message of Islam which is Fard on every Muslim.

Questioner: Thank you.

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