Khutbah: Dunya vs Akhriah - Focusing on Hereafter over this world ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi | 31st Jan 2014
11 years ago
"And the life to come: that is the real life, if they but knew!"
This is a message that the Qur'an continually reminds us of. Yet, the world around us continues to delude and entice; to persuade and tempt. What can be done to battle the constant materialism around us?
Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi as he discusses some beautiful Quranic verses and traditions of the Prophet (ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam) regarding the reality of this world as compared to the Hereafter.
A MUST listen to if you want to be reminded of the transience of this world, and the permanence of the next!
SHARE in the reward by SHARING this video with others, Jazākum Allāh khayr!
This is a message that the Qur'an continually reminds us of. Yet, the world around us continues to delude and entice; to persuade and tempt. What can be done to battle the constant materialism around us?
Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi as he discusses some beautiful Quranic verses and traditions of the Prophet (ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam) regarding the reality of this world as compared to the Hereafter.
A MUST listen to if you want to be reminded of the transience of this world, and the permanence of the next!
SHARE in the reward by SHARING this video with others, Jazākum Allāh khayr!