It Sufficed Me (New Nasheed) by Muhammad al Muqit
8 years ago
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Video Produced by: I Love Islam Channel
? Artist - المنشد
Muhammad Al Muqit - محمد المقيط
LYRICS | الكلمات
قد كفاني علم ربي من سؤالي واختياري
My Lord’s knowledge has sufficed me from asking or choosing
فدعائي وابتهالي شاهدٌ لي بافتقاري
For my duaa' (supplication) and my invoking is a witness to my poverty
يا إلهي ومليكي أنت تعلم كيف حالي
O my Lord and my King You know my state
وبما قد حل قلبي من همومٍ واشتغال
And what has settled in my heart of agonies and worries
فتداركني بلطف منك يا مولى الموالي
So save me with a gentleness from You, O Lord of the Lords
يا كريم الوجه غثني قبل أن يفنى اصطباري
Oh save me, Most Generous before I give up my patience
حاجة في النفس يا رب فاقضها يا خير قاضي
There is a need in my soul, O Lord so please fulfil it, O Best of Fulfillers
وأرح سِري وقلبي من لظاها والشواظي
And comfort my secret and my heart from its burning and its shrapnel
في سرورٍ وحبورٍ وإذا ما كنت راضِ
In pleasure and happiness and as long as You are pleased with me
فالهنا والبَسط حالي وشعاري ودثاري
For joy and ease is my state, my sign and my shelter
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Video Produced by: I Love Islam Channel
? Artist - المنشد
Muhammad Al Muqit - محمد المقيط
LYRICS | الكلمات
قد كفاني علم ربي من سؤالي واختياري
My Lord’s knowledge has sufficed me from asking or choosing
فدعائي وابتهالي شاهدٌ لي بافتقاري
For my duaa' (supplication) and my invoking is a witness to my poverty
يا إلهي ومليكي أنت تعلم كيف حالي
O my Lord and my King You know my state
وبما قد حل قلبي من همومٍ واشتغال
And what has settled in my heart of agonies and worries
فتداركني بلطف منك يا مولى الموالي
So save me with a gentleness from You, O Lord of the Lords
يا كريم الوجه غثني قبل أن يفنى اصطباري
Oh save me, Most Generous before I give up my patience
حاجة في النفس يا رب فاقضها يا خير قاضي
There is a need in my soul, O Lord so please fulfil it, O Best of Fulfillers
وأرح سِري وقلبي من لظاها والشواظي
And comfort my secret and my heart from its burning and its shrapnel
في سرورٍ وحبورٍ وإذا ما كنت راضِ
In pleasure and happiness and as long as You are pleased with me
فالهنا والبَسط حالي وشعاري ودثاري
For joy and ease is my state, my sign and my shelter
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