Islamic Reform - Destruction, Progress or Necessity? ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi | 9th November 2014
10 years ago
In light of all the changes taking place in Islamic thought, what issues are open to negotiation, and what issues are non-negotiable?
There are those that want to destroy every ruling in the Sharia and adapt to the norms of the times whilst others are ultra-conservative and believe there is no such thing as reform in Islam.
Where do we draw the line when it comes to Islamic reform?
As our Ummah draws further away from the ideals that our beloved Prophet (saw) taught us, we can often-times find ourselves lost and in need of direction.
In this scholarly talk Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi addresses the crucial topic of 'Islamic Reform' in the west shedding light on this often misunderstood topic that if used with knowledge and wisdom can help the Ummah progress in these difficult times.
The talk is followed by an open question & answer session.
Recorded on 9th November 2014
There are those that want to destroy every ruling in the Sharia and adapt to the norms of the times whilst others are ultra-conservative and believe there is no such thing as reform in Islam.
Where do we draw the line when it comes to Islamic reform?
As our Ummah draws further away from the ideals that our beloved Prophet (saw) taught us, we can often-times find ourselves lost and in need of direction.
In this scholarly talk Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi addresses the crucial topic of 'Islamic Reform' in the west shedding light on this often misunderstood topic that if used with knowledge and wisdom can help the Ummah progress in these difficult times.
The talk is followed by an open question & answer session.
Recorded on 9th November 2014