Islam & Violence - Advice to Muslims in the West #Palestine #Gaza - Yasir Qadhi | January 2010
12 years ago
Important disclaimer: this video was taped two years ago (2010) and is not related to the current Palestinian situation, nor is it directed towards them. The Palestinians are under siege and have been deprived of basic human rights for decades - they have every right to defend themselves and to fight for their rights.
This video was directed to Muslims residing in the West - their anger needs to be channeled in productive manners, not in haram or unproductive manners.
How should we Muslims respond to the bloodshed and oppression around the world?
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi's advice on Islam & Violence - Palestine, Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan
Recorded on Januray 2010
This video was directed to Muslims residing in the West - their anger needs to be channeled in productive manners, not in haram or unproductive manners.
How should we Muslims respond to the bloodshed and oppression around the world?
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi's advice on Islam & Violence - Palestine, Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan
Recorded on Januray 2010