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Is the Repentance Accepted if Hadd Punishment is not Implemented on the Person? - Dr Zakir Naik

Is the Repentance Accepted if Hadd Punishment is not Implemented on the Person? - Dr Zakir Naik

Yusuf Chambers: Dr. Zakir, next question is; is repentance accepted if the Hadd, punishment is not carried out on a person.

Dr. Zakir: As I mentioned earlier the person should realize that the bounty of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, His mercy and grace is in abundance and if you commit a crime, if it involves some other people then you have to restore their property back. If you have robbed then you have to give their wealth back, if you have taken something from someone, give it back but if it’s between you and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, a person should never be dissatisfied, he should never think that Allah will not forgive. Whatever sin he may commit let it be the biggest sin, if he repents sincerely as we mentioned in the last episode, Allah will forgive any sin but if he has done some harm to some other human being then he should try and undo it.

And Allah says in the Quran in Surah Furqaan ch. no. 25 verse no. 68

“And as for those who do not invoke with Allah any other god or do not take any life of any other human being unless for a just cause or do not indulge in adultery and for those who do it for them there is a punishment”

And Allah continues in the next verses in Surah Furqaan ch. 25 verse 70

“As for those who believe and repent and do righteous deeds, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala will change the evil thing that he has done,The evil deed he has done to good”

So that’s the mercy of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. So as for as the Hadd penalty is concerned it is person who himself knows that he has done a sin for example if he has done adultery so he should repent to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and ask for forgiveness. It is between him and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and its not required that he should tell to the others because if its told then the Hadd punishment would be there. And as I mentioned earlier about the case of the woman from Johainah who told Allah’s messenger, she had done adultery and she was pregnant and the Prophet said that come later on and she came later on after she gave birth to a child and she was stoned to death.

The other example I gave of Ma’iz ibn Malik in the Hadith of Sahih Muslim Vol. no. 3 (Book of Hudood) Hadith no. 4205

“Ma’iz ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, he tells to Allah’s messenger that O Prophet purify me. So Allah’s messenger says go and repent, ask for forgiveness. He again comes back and says O Allah’s messenger please purify me. So he says go away. Allah’s messenger please purify me, again goes away. Fourth time he comes and says.. what is your..? Purify you from what? He says adultery then Allah’s messenger asks him that are you mad? Are you drunk? And then after that when he found that he was not mad, he was not drunk he had to pass Hadd penalty”

But Allah’s messenger said that both these 2 people thay had asked for forgiveness and they repented so may Allah accept their repentance.

But further its mentioned in a Hadith of

Muwatta Vol. no. 2 Book of Punishment Hadith no. 12 the beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said that

“Stop committing sins, major sins etc. and if you commit then you have to conceal it and ask for forgiveness from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, you repent. And if you disclose it then we will have to pass the Hadd penalty” ...

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