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Is it Shirk? (Polytheism) - Abu Usamah At-Thahabi

Allah says in the Qur'an --
"Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with him in worship, but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He pleases, and whoever sets up partners with Allâh in worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin. (An-Nisa 4:48)"

Shirk (polytheism) is the only sin which if one dies upon it will never be forgiven by Allah unless he or she repents from it in this life.

So what types of common shirk have crept into this ummah and practiced as part of Islam by many Muslims?

Four part Aqeedah Series titled "1 in 73"

Part 1 - "Tawheed And Its Importance "
By Ustaadh Fahad Sabri -

Part 2 - "It Is Shirk?"
By Abu Usamah At-Thahabi -

Part 3 - "It Is Innovation (BIDDAH)"
By Ustadh Abdul Qadir Baksh -

Part 4 - "The Ahlul Sunnah Wa Jammah"
Who is the saved sect, the 1 in 73 -


Abu usamah was born in New Jersey in 1964. He embraced Islam in 1986 and went onto studying in the Islamic University of Madina for eight years where he graduated from the College of Da'wah and Usool-ad-Din.
sheikh abu usamah has been very active in da'wah since the day he embraced Islam. He has been the Imam of various mosques in the United States and in the United Kingdom. His zeal and eagerness in conveying the true message of Islam has lead him to many parts of the world, delivering lectures and seminars, as well as translating for many scholars and du'aat from the Arab world.
Abu Usamah has been blessed in studying with some of the greatest scholars of our time, to name a few, Shaikh Umar Fulaatah at the Rawdah of the Prophets Mosque, Shaikh Muhammad 'Atiyyah Saalim (author of Tafsir 'Adwaa ul-Bayaan'), Shaikh Abdullah Muhammad al-Ghunaymaan, Shaikh Muhammad al-Jaami, Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan and many more. He was also very fortunate to have spent two summers in intensive study under Shaikh Ibn Baaz and Shaikh Ibn Uthaymin.


The Mohammadi Masjid and Madrassah Salafiyyah was first established in 1985 in a corner-terraced house on 49 Couchman Road by the Markazi Jamiat Ahlul Hadeeth. The capacity of maximum worshippers was only 50 at this point. Alhamdulillah (all praise is for Allah) after demolition of houses on the road, the Mohammadi Masjid was moved to 24-36 Hartopp Road in 1998 as a purpose-built Masjid, by the Birmingham City Council in exchange for the initial project. Currently, the masjid can hold a maximum capacity of 500 male and female worshippers.
At this point, the 5 daily prayers were taking place in jamaa'ah (congregation) as well as weekday evening classes, in which children aged 5-12 could learn to recite and memorise the Qur'an. The masjid would also cater for a weekend dars (lecture).
Since 1998 the Masjid has grown in its worshippers and its services. Due to the growing demand of locals the Jumu'ah (Friday) prayer, Taraaweeh prayers in Ramadhan, 'Eid prayers, funeral prayers and arrangements and regular English and Urdu lectures also take place here at Mohammadi Masjid.
Currently the Masjid is in urgent need of generous donations to continue encouraging the growth of this noble project for the sake of Allah. For more information on this, view the Re-build Project page.
To find out how you can share in the reward of our ongoing project please go to the web site below-
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