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Is it a Requirement to Read Bible and Geeta to Reply to the Non Muslim Media? - Dr Zakir Naik

Is it a Requirement to Read Bible and Geeta to Reply to the Non Muslim Media? - Dr Zakir Naik

Mohammad Naik: The next question from Tanveer Khan For giving the answers to Hindus or to Non Muslim Media should we have to read Geeta, Bible Etc.?”

Dr. Zakir: The brother’s posed that to give the answer to the Hindu on the media should we read the Geeta or the Bible. It is not Fard in Islam it is Mustahab you can read because this is what Allah says the verse I quoted earlier, in the earlier answer Surah Ali Imran ch. 3 verse 64 says
“ta’alawila kalimatin sawa-in baynana wabaynakum”
“Come to common terms as between us & you”.

Now how will we come to common terms if we don’t know what their scripture says. So in this context we should read the scriptures it is not Fard, I feel it is Mustahab. It is one of the strategies shown by Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) & our Prophet when our Prophet said “Baligo anni walau aaya”…. “Propagate even if you know one verse”. It is the hadith of Sahih Bukhari it continues & says there is no problem if you quote the scriptures of the Alhe Kitaab so quoting the scriptures of the other religion this is one of the techniques shown by our Prophet and mentioned in the Qur’an so if you can do this, it is the best but you need not become Hafiz of the Bible or Haafiz of the Veda or Haafiz of the Geeta you should know the verses which are important for doing Daw’ah. Should not waste your time doing Hifz, you can do Hifz of the Qur’an not waste your time & neither am I the Hafiz of the bible neither of the Qur’an. I’d like to be but I’m not. Neither of the Vedas , neither of the Bhagvad Geeta but I know those verses of the Veda which are required for Daw’ah.
Those verses of the bible which are quoted by Christian missionaries so you think I know more than the Christian missionaries which InshaAllah, Alhumdulillah I know. But I’ve mastered this art which you know Sheikh Deedat, MashaAllah, he’s the person who inspired me. May Allah grant him Jannah. He was a great inspiration for thousands of youngsters including me. So the thing is that you need not waste time but you should know that portion which is required for Daw’ah & to convey to them the message of Islam that is Qur’an says which are similar things says ta’alawila kalimatin sawa-in baynana wabaynakum If you do this, InshaAllah, it will help you to convey the message of Islam.

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