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Is a Pilot while Flying a Plane Exempted from Fasting? - Dr Zakir Naik

Is a Pilot while Flying a Plane Exempted from Fasting? - Dr Zakir Naik


Yusuf Chambers: Okay excellent. Next question is from one of our viewers who is a pilot and he considered himself to be in a perpetual state of traveling every day he is traveling on the plane… long distances and umm.. he is asking, is he exempted therefore from all fasts?

Dr. Zakir: If a persons profession is such that he is a pilot or if he is a sailor and he has to travel and if he leaves his hometown and goes on a way so but natural he is considered as a traveler he is exempted from fasting but he has to make up his fast before the next of Ramadhaan. So if he travels a lot then he’ll have to fast in the holidays, whatever holidays he gets and when he’s stationed in hometown. So if he does not want to fast he is exempted because he is considered as a traveler but he’ll have to make up the fast as soon as possible before the next Ramadhaan unless he is traveling on a very long flight maybe from India to New York which is more than twelve hours but if the flight is a short flight, I don’t think so there’ll be problem.

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