Is a Person Travelling after Mid Day Exempted from Fasting? - Dr Zakir Naik
4 years ago
Is a Person Travelling after Mid Day Exempted from Fasting? - Dr Zakir Naik
Yusuf Chambers: Next question: if a fasting person if he’s been fasting the whole day as I used to travel, in the afternoon he starts to travel in the afternoon, he starts his travel in the after noon is it compulsory on him to break his fast or is it optional, what is the best solution for him?
Dr. Zakir: if a person starts to travel midday or in the afternoon and if he is in the hometown till afternoon it is fardh for him to keep the fast atleast till that time. Only time a traveler is permitted to break the fast is when he leaves the hometown if he decides that he is going to leave in the afternoon and it’s not possible that he does not fast in the morning he has to fast in the morning because there can be change of plan if he decides in the afternoon he may change his plan so then it will be a sin on him. So if a person who is traveling the only time he will break the fast is when he leaves the city limits
Yusuf Chambers: I see…
Dr. Zakir: Until he hasn’t left he should not break, so if he leaves the city limits in the afternoon he is permitted to break, it is not that he should break but he feels there’s not hardship he can continues fasting and complete his fast it’s optional
#Person #Travelling #after #Mid #Day #Exempted #Fasting #Zakir #Naik #Zakirnaik #Drzakirnaik #Fariq #Naik #FariqNaik #FariqZakirNaik #Dr #Drzakirchannel #Allah #Allaah #God #Muslim #Islam #Islaam #Comparative #Religion #ComparativeReligion #Atheism #Atheist #Christianity #Christian #Hinduism #Hindu #Buddhism #Buddhist #Judaism #Jew #Sikhism #Sikh #Jainism #Jain #Lecture #Question #Answer #QuestionsandAnswer #Logic #Reason #Science #Misconception #Misunderstanding #PeaceTV #Dawah #Muhammad #Mohammed #Hadeeth #Hadith #Saheeh #Sahih #Man #Woman #Human #Humanity #Problem #Solution #Rights #Media #War #Peace #Similarities #Debate #Lecture #Quran #Quraan #AlQuran #AlQuraan #Bible #Veda #Gita #Geeta #Baghwat #Upanishad #Purana #Terrorism #Terrorist #Universal #Brotherhood #Word #Purpose #Life #Jihad #Jihaad #Jesus #Christ #Jesuschrist #Church #Mosque #Masjid #Perspective #Ask #AskDrZakir #Seeking #Knowledge #Education #NonMuslim #Fundamentalist #Fundamentalism #Symposium #Dialogue #Salaah #Salah #Shariah #Scripture #Ahmed #Deedat #AhmedDeedat #Daee #Missionary #Concept #West #Family #Global #Ramadhaan #Ramadan #Tauheed #Tawheed #Monotheism #Zakaat #Zakat #Zakah #Hajj #Saum #Fasting #Makkah #Mecca #Madinah #India #Malaysia #Ummah #Unity #Importance #Date #Isamophobia #Understand #Deen #Fardh #Fard #Haraam #Haram #Sunnah #Mustahab #Waajib #Wajib #Compulsory #Prohibited #Encouraged #Permissible #Permitted #Prohibited #Sin #Sinful #Heaven #Hell #Hellfire #Jannah #Jahannum #Paradise
Yusuf Chambers: Next question: if a fasting person if he’s been fasting the whole day as I used to travel, in the afternoon he starts to travel in the afternoon, he starts his travel in the after noon is it compulsory on him to break his fast or is it optional, what is the best solution for him?
Dr. Zakir: if a person starts to travel midday or in the afternoon and if he is in the hometown till afternoon it is fardh for him to keep the fast atleast till that time. Only time a traveler is permitted to break the fast is when he leaves the hometown if he decides that he is going to leave in the afternoon and it’s not possible that he does not fast in the morning he has to fast in the morning because there can be change of plan if he decides in the afternoon he may change his plan so then it will be a sin on him. So if a person who is traveling the only time he will break the fast is when he leaves the city limits
Yusuf Chambers: I see…
Dr. Zakir: Until he hasn’t left he should not break, so if he leaves the city limits in the afternoon he is permitted to break, it is not that he should break but he feels there’s not hardship he can continues fasting and complete his fast it’s optional
#Person #Travelling #after #Mid #Day #Exempted #Fasting #Zakir #Naik #Zakirnaik #Drzakirnaik #Fariq #Naik #FariqNaik #FariqZakirNaik #Dr #Drzakirchannel #Allah #Allaah #God #Muslim #Islam #Islaam #Comparative #Religion #ComparativeReligion #Atheism #Atheist #Christianity #Christian #Hinduism #Hindu #Buddhism #Buddhist #Judaism #Jew #Sikhism #Sikh #Jainism #Jain #Lecture #Question #Answer #QuestionsandAnswer #Logic #Reason #Science #Misconception #Misunderstanding #PeaceTV #Dawah #Muhammad #Mohammed #Hadeeth #Hadith #Saheeh #Sahih #Man #Woman #Human #Humanity #Problem #Solution #Rights #Media #War #Peace #Similarities #Debate #Lecture #Quran #Quraan #AlQuran #AlQuraan #Bible #Veda #Gita #Geeta #Baghwat #Upanishad #Purana #Terrorism #Terrorist #Universal #Brotherhood #Word #Purpose #Life #Jihad #Jihaad #Jesus #Christ #Jesuschrist #Church #Mosque #Masjid #Perspective #Ask #AskDrZakir #Seeking #Knowledge #Education #NonMuslim #Fundamentalist #Fundamentalism #Symposium #Dialogue #Salaah #Salah #Shariah #Scripture #Ahmed #Deedat #AhmedDeedat #Daee #Missionary #Concept #West #Family #Global #Ramadhaan #Ramadan #Tauheed #Tawheed #Monotheism #Zakaat #Zakat #Zakah #Hajj #Saum #Fasting #Makkah #Mecca #Madinah #India #Malaysia #Ummah #Unity #Importance #Date #Isamophobia #Understand #Deen #Fardh #Fard #Haraam #Haram #Sunnah #Mustahab #Waajib #Wajib #Compulsory #Prohibited #Encouraged #Permissible #Permitted #Prohibited #Sin #Sinful #Heaven #Hell #Hellfire #Jannah #Jahannum #Paradise