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If You Send Them to College, You Better Protect Them!

"Muslim Youth: Our Hope For A Brighter Future" by Siraj Wahhaj

Islam On Demand
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It's not enough to simply have concern for our children's future and the kind of world they will live in. Genuine concern is only validated with action. Imam Siraj Wahhaj delivers a powerful message meant to activate and motivate the audience. Muslims of today can't afford to be short-sighted and must keep in mind that ultimate success for the ummah depends upon a plan that is long-term. What can we do today to ensure a bright and secure future for us and our children? A stern warning about the necessity of protecting our youth, since they are the ones upon whom our future hopes depend. Other topics discussed: the proper spirit of Islam and Muslim children in public schools. (Duration: 50 min) Siraj Wahhaj, imam of Masjid at-Taqwa, is well known among Muslims in North America as a dynamic, motivational speaker and tireless supporter of Islamic causes. He accepted Islam in 1969 and received imam training at Ummul Qura University in Makkah. He is the former vice president of the Islamic Society of North America and has served on the Majlis Ash-Shura since 1987. He has appeared on several national talk shows and interviews, especially about his anti-drug campaigns. He received high praises from the media and NYPD for initiating anti-drug patrols in Brooklyn, New York in 1988.

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