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I Believe I Can Fly - Adnan Rashid @ SIST 2016

Confusion, chaos, hopelessness, instability . . .

Words no respectable man in this world would be willing to attribute himself with, yet these are the same words that describe the pitiful state of the Muslim communities today.

A nation whose beginning was sparked by the greatest of men, who managed to build one of the greatest, one of the safest, one of the most secure empire in the shortest time possible that history has ever witnessed, has ended up in a state where its own people would prefer foreign land over their own. A nation whose leaders despite being in rags, living in huts and mudhouses, terrorized the superpowers has reached the point of producing leaders who cheer the onslaught of their nation's opponents on their people.

What blunders, what challenges, what trials and tribulations mark this unthinkable transition? Come join us as we explore these challenges which our Messenger ﷺ described as 'pieces of (extremely) dark (black) night', trials crashing down on us as the harsh 'waves of the sea', tribulations those experiencing them 'would prefer to be (buried) under the ground than walking on it'.

Accompany us as we put the pieces together in search of a solution!
Do the people think that they will be left to say, “We believe” and they will not be tested and tried? -The Holy Qur'an (29:2)

Will the pages of history record us as those who stood up and changed the tide or as those who continued to let the tide fall on them?
Will the pages of history remember us as those who faced their challenges despite all odds or as those who turned a blind eye on them?
Will the pages of history record us as those who recognized their adversaries and stood up to them or as those who continued to be deceived by the concoctions spread to ideologically defeat them?
Will the pages of history remember us as those who paved the way for the future generations or as those who chose to let their foes enslave their mindsets?

The Future Awaits: What's Next?

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