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Fasting is Compulsory in Ramadhaan - Dr Zakir Naik

Yusuf Chambers: Dr. Zakir, another question of great importance regarding the fast in Ramadhaan. Unfortunately there are many brothers and sisters who neglect the obligation of fasting during the month of Ramadhaan. Can you give us some words of advice and indeed from the Quran and the Sunnah, give us the proofs of the fact that it is an obligation upon the Muslims to fast in Ramadhaan?

Dr. Zakir: There are many verses in the Quran as well as many Sahih Hadith which very well clarify that it is Fard for the Muslims who are supposed to fast that they should fast, it’s a Fard. We shall deal with the details for whom it is a Fard, InshaAllah, tomorrow.

If you read the Quran, Allah says in the Quran in Surah Baqarah ch. no. 2 verse no. 183

“Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo” O you who believe “kutiba AAalaykumu alssiyamu kama kutiba AAala allatheena min qablikum laAAallakum tattaqoon”

Which means “O you who believe fasting has been prescribed upon you as it was prescribed to people who came before you so that you may learn self restraint.”

Here the Arabic word used is ‘kutiba’. Kutiba means prescribed, it is written amongst the other things which are compulsory it has been prescribed, It has been made compulsory for you also fasting as it was made compulsory for people who came before you, that means it was compulsory even for people who came before, the Jews, the Christians etc. but its also made compulsory for the Muslims. “Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo” for the believers and further it says point no. 1 its compulsory for you, point no. 2 is its compulsory for the people who came before you, point no. 3 “laAAallakum tattaqoon” So that you may learn self restraint. The Arabic word ‘tattaqoon’ is derived from the word ‘Waqa’ same as the root word for Taqwa which means you have to fear yourself from you know wrath of Allah in short the meaning of the word Taqwa it is somewhat like God Consciousness, piety means righteousness. So here Allah is telling fasting has been prescribed to you so that you may learn self restraint so that you learn Taqwa, you increase yourself in Taqwa in God Consciousness, in righteousness, in piety and when a person fasts what happens that he feels hungry and normally when a person is well fed that gives him more energy to many a times to things which are also prohibited and you commit sins. The moment you fast, your actions towards things which are prohibited goes down and your barometer of Taqwa goes high. That’s the reason fasting helps you to improve your self restraint and increase your Taqwa level.

Further more it’s mentioned in the Quran in Surah Baqarah ch. no. 2 verse no. 185, Allah says

“Shahru ramadana allathee onzila feehi alqur-anu hudan lilnnas”

That “Ramadhaan was the month in which the Qu’ran was revealed as a guidance to humankind”

“wabayyinatin mina alhuda waalfurqan”

And “in it are signs for guidance and judgment between right and wrong.”

Immediately after that Allah says the people who witness this month, they should fast. Here again it becomes a Fard for the Muslims that if you are in this month of Ramadhaan, you should fast. And gives exceptions like, if you are ill or if you are traveling then the period can be made later on etc. etc. but here this verse says it is compulsory for every Muslim to fast in the month of Ramadhaan and the exceptions are there.

Furthermore there are several Sahih Ahadith which make it compulsory for a Muslim to fast. I will just quote one which is the most important one...

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