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Extremism in Islam: Kharijism to ISIS - A Brief Historical Analysis by Dr. Yasir Qadhi | 22 Aug 2014

The Islamic Caliphate of ISIS - a rightly guided Islamic leadership or a heretical group of misguided individuals?

They claim to stand up in the face of oppression and defend the Muslims & the values of Islam, yet many believe they do more harm to Islam by killing innocent civilians, and are reminiscent of the 'Kharijites' of old whom the Prophet (SAW) predicted would arise from the Muslim Ummah, interpreting their own version of Islam and taking things to an extreme.

In this critical historical analysis, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi looks through the lens of the past glancing into the future to observe the birth of extremism in Islam in our times, analyzing the characteristics and fanatical interpretation of the text by extremist groups to justify destruction and killings.

This Friday sermon is an absolute *must* to listen to for every Muslim in light of today's sensitive circumstances.

Recorded on 22nd August 2014

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