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Evangelical Pastor John Piper doubts Muslims having Jesus dreams

Why John Piper Doubts Muslims Having Jesus Dreams

Many Muslims have claimed over the years that they saw Jesus in their dreams and got saved. But preacher and theologian John Piper says he is highly suspicious of such stories as they seek to contradict the biblical paradigm of how salvation comes.

At a Q&A session during a recent seminar, “Let the Nations Be Glad!” by the Desiring God ministry, Piper was asked what he thought of Jesus coming to Muslims in dreams. Is that real? Or more importantly, is that real conversion?

“Jesus coming to them in their head, preaching the Gospel to them that they have never heard of before, and believing and being saved… that I am suspicious of… big time,” said Piper, the pastor for preaching at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minn.

Such claims, Piper said, reflects the way people pray. “I have heard people pray, ‘Oh God, give me dreams, oh God, give me dreams,’ because they have heard stories that somebody had a dream.”

Let’s be careful when we think dreams, he warned, “that we don’t think replacing the biblical paradigm of how people get saved.” People get saved by hearing the Gospel preached, he said.

“The Gospel needs to be heard,” he stressed. “How shall they believe unless they hear and how shall they hear without a preacher and how shall they preach unless they be sent. That’s a pretty significant argument in Romans 10… It says, how shall they preach unless they be sent? It doesn’t say, oh they can preach in a dream when they are not even there.”

Therefore, Piper said, he was “very suspicious” of those stories where a person “claims to hear the whole Gospel for the first time in their head during a dream and they got saved without any connection with the church.”

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