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Ep 8: 3 Lies Conveyed To Men by Pornography | Lost in Pornoland | Subtitled

3 Lies Conveyed To Men by Pornography explained in this animated video.

Series on 'Science behind Addictions & how to overcome them specifically Porn Addiction', the series will be written and narrated by brother Wael Ibrahim, a renowned public speaker and published author. The series will be animated and illustrated by us and made available to every single human being for free, In sha Allah.


In this episode, I wanted to highlight THREE main lies that men in general have believed about pornography. They are very important to know because without the correct understanding it will be very difficult for some men to quit pornography. So here we go.

Lie #1
Women loves sexual intimacy at anytime.
Because in porn, they show you that women are always willing to please you and fulfil your sexual need, that’s all. They don’t show the other side of women. Being mothers, taking care of the house and children while you are at work, cooking for you, caring for you, perhaps she had received some bad news today and she’s not in a good mood and so on. Pornography portrays women as sex slaves who were created for no purpose other than your own pleasure. But the Prophet Muhammad PBUH taught us that woman are the counterpart of men. The Arabic word SHIQ means half, it’s like the Prophet PBUH wanted us to know that we are incomplete without them, that they are absolutely equal to us and deserve respect and dignity. Now, compare this with how pornography wanted you, men to believe about women. If you are a real man who respect women, you should never promote the filth of this industry by watching their production.

Children too, should have sex.
One of the widely watched pornographic videos, and perhaps the biggest selling point for porn producers is imitating minors. which means women will be dressed up in a way to look like a school girl or a child then engage in dirty sexual activities. Porn consumers failed to understand that while watching these disgusting videos, your brain is making you believe that you too as an adult can have sex with kids. And as a result, I’ve counselled a person who was actually convicted in a rape case sometimes ago in a school yard, when I asked him what led you to do that, he said “I guess I have learnt it from pornographic films.”.

Pornography & masturbation are better than Zina
When talking about the gravity of the sin, yes pornography is not as grave as the actual sin of committing Zina, that is a couple engaging in physical and plain sexual activities out of the wedlock. Although, the Prophet Muhammad PBUH told us that eyes too commit Zina and their Zina is the lustful stare, hands commit Zina and their Zina is the unlawful touches and so on. But the question here is, is pornography better than Zina? The biggest problem is that pornography and masturbation, whether you like it or not, will ultimately lead you to Zina sooner or later. The addiction one day will escalate and push you very hard to act out what you have been watching, that’s why I do not believe it is better than Zina, in fact I consider it to be of the same weight as Zina because it lead you to the same exact result.

Ask yourself today, why should you believe in lies anyway? Now you know the lies, would you not want to free yourself and embrace the truth?

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