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Ep 4: The Effects of Pornography | Lost in Pornoland | Subtitled

Series on 'Science behind Addictions & how to overcome them specifically Porn Addiction', the series will be written and narrated by brother Wael Ibrahim, a renowned public speaker and published author. The series will be animated and illustrated by us and made available to every single human being for free, In sha Allah.

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One of the things that destroy marriages and relationships is loss of trust between spouses, and this is exactly what Pornography does. Though Pornography could get hold of both genders, males and females yet statistically we know that more men are affected by the addiction to Pornography than women, and as a result it is extremely painful when a wife finds out that her husband is addicted to pornography. She start feeling that she’s not good enough for him and that’s why he would seek pleasure else where. For her, he had betrayed that trust and all of a sudden she started feeling that she don’t recognize her husband anymore.

More than that, she will be battling with a lot of questions on her minds. Like how long has he been watching porn? Is he having an affair with someone else? Am I not attractive anymore? Did he tell me all truths about his addiction or is he still lying to me? If I left the children with him, will they be safe? And so on. In short, her entire life all of a sudden turns into a worrying stage with endless doubts.

The problem is, rebuilding that trust in this case could take years, and to some wives it is nearly impossible and so divorce could be the only option.

A couple of years ago I was approached by an elderly man who confessed to me his long years of porn addiction. He told me that he had three beautiful children from his beloved wife and EVERY TIME he would view Pornography he would be left with deep scars and unbearable shame. Well, that’s not the whole story. The most painful moment he had experienced in his entire life was when his elder daughter caught him watching Pornography while pleasuring himself. He was dump founded and could not even move an inch. Seconds later his wife came in and so more than 30 years of marriage was over. The wife decided to end it right there.

As you can see. It’s not fun at all to destroy one of the most sacred relationships for the sake of instant pleasure. And that is exactly what Pornography could lead to. So are you up for a change? That’s the question you should be asking yourself right now.

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