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Dr Zakir Naik's Views on "The Message" and other Islamic Movies

Dr Zakir Naik's Views on "The Message" and other Islamic Movies

Questioner: My name is Noman. I work in the field of internet travel & marketing. My question revolves around the strongest form of Media today is movies. Movies originating from Hollywood, Bollywood, Lollywood & probably now Dollywood in Dubai. Fortunately for their benefit it gets the message across in many forms. Passion of the Christ was one form that related a story about Jesus Christ the script was in Hebrew, I wanted to first ask how much of that was in line with what Christianity preaches & how much we can relate to Qur’an as well. Obviously there is some deviations as well. But again the masses took that understanding & absorbed it. And that’s what their understanding is. So my second part to my question is how can we use the media in the form of movies to effectively communicate the message of Islam like it was done in the form of the first movie called The Message. From which I understood a lot of people converted to Islam after watching that movie. JazakAllah.

Dr. Zakir: Brother’s asked a question that movies do play an important role in creating opinions and conveying the message. Hollywood, Bollywood & now you have Dollywood. Dollywood a new word that’s come Dubai Media City. And he gave the example of Passion of Christ and what are my views on such movies? Brother, I haven’t seen that movie Passion of Christ though I wanted to see it. I haven’t seen that movie. Normally I don’t see movies but this being a particular movie I wanted to see it. But I read reports that after this movie was made by Mel Gibson the way he portrays & he kept it in the original language. There were a lot of criticism and the way he created it. And which was slightly against the Jewish lobby. Because of that there was a hue & cry but it also became popular in the negative sense. When you speak something negative it became a box office. So there it did break the records. He was walking on the edge of the swords. He invested so much money if it went a flop he would lose millions of dollars. It went a hit. And it had many things which were right, many things would agree with the Islamic point of view, many would not agree with the Islamic point of view.

As far as your second question is concerned on Message and I’ve seen that movie Message made by Mustafa Akkad. And Anthony Quinn was acting as Hamza, may Allah be pleased with him. The way the movie was made it was excellent, I really appreciated. One of the best movies on Islamic lines I would say is the message.

Alhumdulillah without showing the hero, without showing Muhammad (Subhanahu wa ta’ala), without showing his picture, without showing his voice, Alhumdulillah. The whole picture was revolving around the hero, Prophet Muhammad (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) without showing his picture, without his voice, once they show his camel & his staff and that’s it. But the way the angle of the camera was that to show that the Prophet did not like he turned his face away the angle of the camera changes. So the direction was superb. It was a masterpiece. And we do require such more movies but the budgets of this movies are big. It turns into millions of dollars, millions of dollars so the budget is there but it did make a lot of money. Mustafa Akkad then he made another film called as Umar Mukhtar talking about not 100% Islam...

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