Deceit of the Christian Missionaries - Dr Zakir Naik
4 years ago
Deceit of the Christian Missionaries - Dr Zakir Naik
Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Baqarah ch. no. 2 verse no. 120
“Walan tarda anka alyahoodu wala alnnasara hatta tattabi’a millatahum”,
“The Jews and the Christians, they will never be satisfied until you follow their brand of religion, until you follow their way of life.”
Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Baqarah ch. no. 2 verse no. 111
“Waqaloo lan yadkhula aljannata illa man kana hoodan aw nasara”,
“They say, the Jews and Christians, you Muslims you shall never enter Jannah, unless you become a Jew or a Christian”
With all your piety, with all your Salaah, with the mark on your forehead, with the fasting you do in the month of Ramadhan, with Hajj you have performed, you shall never enter Jannah unless you become a Jew or a Christian.
Allah says
“Tilka amaniyyuhum”
This is there wishful thinking, Bakwaas hai Bakwaas
Tell them
“Hatoo Burhanakum”
“Produce your proof”
“In Kuntum Sadiqeen”
“But if you are truthful”
Allah says if anyone makes tall claims, tell them
“Hatoo Burhanakum”
“Produce your proof”
“In Kuntum sadiqeen”
But if you are truthful
And the Christians, they have produced the Bible in no less than 2000 different languages. They say my Bible says this, my Bible says that, say my Bible says this, my Bible says that. What do we have to do? Do we have to sallow the Bible hook, line and sinker? When anyone shows you his identity card what do you do? You verify whether that card is correct or not. So when they are telling you the Bible is the word of God, what do we have to do? We have to analyze their scriptures. How many of us Muslims are analyzing their scriptures? How many of us? Leave aside we doing Da’wah to them with their scriptures, these Christian missionaries, they are using our Qur’an, our Qur’an against us. The Christian missionaries, they come knocking at our door and they ask you the question. They come knocking at the doors of Muslims and they ask us the question that “Isn’t it mentioned in the Qur’an that Bible is the word of God?” And most of us we say “Yes”. Then their next question is “Then why don’t you follow the Bible?” then we have got no reply.
They ask us the next question that “How many times is the name of your last and final messenger Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mentioned in the Qur’an?” if you know you’ll say “5 times, 4 times as Muhammad and once as Ahmed (saws)” “How many times is the name of Jesus Christ pbuh mentioned in the Qur’an?” if you don’t know, they will tell you “Jesus Christ (pbuh) by name is mentioned 25 times in the Qur’an”
They ask the next question “Who is greater, a person who’s mentioned 5 times by name is greater or a person who is mentioned 25 times by name in the Qur’an is greater?” They ask the question but they will not give you the reply, they’ll let your mind think.
They ask the next question “Your Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) did he have a father and a mother?” We say “Yes, he had a father and a mother.” “Did Jesus Christ (pbuh), did he have a father and a mother?” We have to agree that as per the teachings of the Qur’an Isa (a.s.) Jesus Christ pbuh had a mother but he had no father. They ask the next question “Who is greater a person who has a father and a mother or a person who does not have a father is greater? A person who is born by the help of the father is greater or a person who is born without a father is greater?” Who is greater? ...
#Deceit #Christian #Missionaries #Zakir #Naik #Zakirnaik #Drzakirnaik #Fariq #Naik #FariqNaik #FariqZakirNaik #Dr #Drzakirchannel #Allah #Allaah #God #Muslim #Islam #Islaam #Comparative #Religion #ComparativeReligion #Atheism #Atheist #Christianity #Christian #Hinduism #Hindu #Buddhism #Buddhist #Judaism #Jew #Sikhism #Sikh #Jainism #Jain #Lecture #Question #Answer #QuestionsandAnswer #Logic #Reason #Science #Misconception #Misunderstanding #PeaceTV #Dawah #Muhammad #Mohammed #Hadeeth #Hadith #Saheeh #Sahih #Man #Woman #Human #Humanity #Problem #Solution #Rights #Media #War #Peace #Similarities #Debate #Lecture #Quran #Quraan #AlQuran #AlQuraan #Bible #Veda #Gita #Geeta #Baghwat #Upanishad #Purana #Terrorism #Terrorist #Universal #Brotherhood #Word #Purpose #Life #Jihad #Jihaad #Jesus #Christ #Jesuschrist #Church #Mosque #Masjid #Perspective #Ask #AskDrZakir #Seeking #Knowledge #Education #NonMuslim #Fundamentalist #Fundamentalism #Symposium #Dialogue #Salaah #Salah #Shariah #Scripture #Ahmed #Deedat #AhmedDeedat #Daee #Missionary #Concept #West #Family #Global #Ramadhaan #Ramadan #Tauheed #Tawheed #Monotheism #Zakaat #Zakat #Zakah #Hajj #Saum #Fasting #Makkah #Mecca #Madinah #India #Malaysia #Ummah #Unity #Importance #Date #Isamophobia #Understand #Deen #Fardh #Fard #Haraam #Haram #Sunnah #Mustahab #Waajib #Wajib #Compulsory #Prohibited #Encouraged #Permissible #Permitted #Prohibited #Sin #Sinful #Heaven #Hell #Hellfire #Jannah #Jahannum #Paradise
Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Baqarah ch. no. 2 verse no. 120
“Walan tarda anka alyahoodu wala alnnasara hatta tattabi’a millatahum”,
“The Jews and the Christians, they will never be satisfied until you follow their brand of religion, until you follow their way of life.”
Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Baqarah ch. no. 2 verse no. 111
“Waqaloo lan yadkhula aljannata illa man kana hoodan aw nasara”,
“They say, the Jews and Christians, you Muslims you shall never enter Jannah, unless you become a Jew or a Christian”
With all your piety, with all your Salaah, with the mark on your forehead, with the fasting you do in the month of Ramadhan, with Hajj you have performed, you shall never enter Jannah unless you become a Jew or a Christian.
Allah says
“Tilka amaniyyuhum”
This is there wishful thinking, Bakwaas hai Bakwaas
Tell them
“Hatoo Burhanakum”
“Produce your proof”
“In Kuntum Sadiqeen”
“But if you are truthful”
Allah says if anyone makes tall claims, tell them
“Hatoo Burhanakum”
“Produce your proof”
“In Kuntum sadiqeen”
But if you are truthful
And the Christians, they have produced the Bible in no less than 2000 different languages. They say my Bible says this, my Bible says that, say my Bible says this, my Bible says that. What do we have to do? Do we have to sallow the Bible hook, line and sinker? When anyone shows you his identity card what do you do? You verify whether that card is correct or not. So when they are telling you the Bible is the word of God, what do we have to do? We have to analyze their scriptures. How many of us Muslims are analyzing their scriptures? How many of us? Leave aside we doing Da’wah to them with their scriptures, these Christian missionaries, they are using our Qur’an, our Qur’an against us. The Christian missionaries, they come knocking at our door and they ask you the question. They come knocking at the doors of Muslims and they ask us the question that “Isn’t it mentioned in the Qur’an that Bible is the word of God?” And most of us we say “Yes”. Then their next question is “Then why don’t you follow the Bible?” then we have got no reply.
They ask us the next question that “How many times is the name of your last and final messenger Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mentioned in the Qur’an?” if you know you’ll say “5 times, 4 times as Muhammad and once as Ahmed (saws)” “How many times is the name of Jesus Christ pbuh mentioned in the Qur’an?” if you don’t know, they will tell you “Jesus Christ (pbuh) by name is mentioned 25 times in the Qur’an”
They ask the next question “Who is greater, a person who’s mentioned 5 times by name is greater or a person who is mentioned 25 times by name in the Qur’an is greater?” They ask the question but they will not give you the reply, they’ll let your mind think.
They ask the next question “Your Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) did he have a father and a mother?” We say “Yes, he had a father and a mother.” “Did Jesus Christ (pbuh), did he have a father and a mother?” We have to agree that as per the teachings of the Qur’an Isa (a.s.) Jesus Christ pbuh had a mother but he had no father. They ask the next question “Who is greater a person who has a father and a mother or a person who does not have a father is greater? A person who is born by the help of the father is greater or a person who is born without a father is greater?” Who is greater? ...
#Deceit #Christian #Missionaries #Zakir #Naik #Zakirnaik #Drzakirnaik #Fariq #Naik #FariqNaik #FariqZakirNaik #Dr #Drzakirchannel #Allah #Allaah #God #Muslim #Islam #Islaam #Comparative #Religion #ComparativeReligion #Atheism #Atheist #Christianity #Christian #Hinduism #Hindu #Buddhism #Buddhist #Judaism #Jew #Sikhism #Sikh #Jainism #Jain #Lecture #Question #Answer #QuestionsandAnswer #Logic #Reason #Science #Misconception #Misunderstanding #PeaceTV #Dawah #Muhammad #Mohammed #Hadeeth #Hadith #Saheeh #Sahih #Man #Woman #Human #Humanity #Problem #Solution #Rights #Media #War #Peace #Similarities #Debate #Lecture #Quran #Quraan #AlQuran #AlQuraan #Bible #Veda #Gita #Geeta #Baghwat #Upanishad #Purana #Terrorism #Terrorist #Universal #Brotherhood #Word #Purpose #Life #Jihad #Jihaad #Jesus #Christ #Jesuschrist #Church #Mosque #Masjid #Perspective #Ask #AskDrZakir #Seeking #Knowledge #Education #NonMuslim #Fundamentalist #Fundamentalism #Symposium #Dialogue #Salaah #Salah #Shariah #Scripture #Ahmed #Deedat #AhmedDeedat #Daee #Missionary #Concept #West #Family #Global #Ramadhaan #Ramadan #Tauheed #Tawheed #Monotheism #Zakaat #Zakat #Zakah #Hajj #Saum #Fasting #Makkah #Mecca #Madinah #India #Malaysia #Ummah #Unity #Importance #Date #Isamophobia #Understand #Deen #Fardh #Fard #Haraam #Haram #Sunnah #Mustahab #Waajib #Wajib #Compulsory #Prohibited #Encouraged #Permissible #Permitted #Prohibited #Sin #Sinful #Heaven #Hell #Hellfire #Jannah #Jahannum #Paradise