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Can Muslim Women Appear in the Media for Propagation – Dr Zakir Naik

Can Muslim Women Appear in the Media for Propagation – Dr Zakir Naik

Questioner: Assalamu Alaikum! My name is Dr. Khan and I’d like to ask you that is it allowed in our religion for women to use media for the propagation of Islam because some of our scholar do not allow us to record audio cassettes & bring back home so that may be our husbands listen and all that. And is it allowed or not and how can we convince them? Thank you.

Dr. Zakir: The sister has asked a question that can Muslimahs, Muslim women, take part in media to convey the message or to fight against the evil etc. and according to some scholars they’ve given the Fatwa its Haraam. Sister certain things, surely is Halaal. You can write articles which no scholar will say its Haraam. You can write articles whether in the newspapers, whether on the Internet, surely certain things you can surely take part as far as the print media is concerned.

As far as the audio media is concerned there are differences of opinion some scholars say yes some scholars say no. but normally the voice doesn’t come in the aura of the women. But natural, but normally to be effective you have to modulate your voice so if you take care that you unnecessarily don’t modulate, and don’t higgle & don’t haggle. And don’t do too much of laughing etc. most of the scholars say that it can be permitted.

As far as coming on the television again difference of opinion is there that most of the scholars they say that women cannot come on the television. There are many scholars who say that if she is in proper Hijaab, she’s covering herself completely and only showing her face & hands up to the wrist as long as she’s not too much complacent in her voice and following the other rules of the Shariah, she can be permitted. But the majority of the scholars say no she can’t be allowed to come in front of the television because the Qur’an says in

Surah Noor ch. No. 24 verse no. 30

“Say to the believing man that he should lower his gaze and guard his modesty.”

So based on these verses and other hadith the scholars are divided but recently, last year the top Salaf scholars, Salafi scholars, like Sheikh Nassir Al Awwad, I was in Saudi Arabia and I was shocked that he also gave permission that a woman, if she’s properly dressed even though she’s not in Naqaab because Naqaab is not a Fard in Islam. Though some scholars say yes but according to Sheikh Naasiruddin Albani, etc. Naqaab covering the face is not a Fard in Islam. But today many scholars, not majority, yet they are few in numbers there are many percentage they are few. Good scholars had given the Fatwa like Sheikh Nassir Al Awwad in Saudi Arabia that because of the media we should permit women to come in the television. But even today the opinion is divided majority of the scholars today say that yet a woman should not come on the television because it would be against the verse of the Qur’an in Surah Noor ch. 24 v. 30 that a man is suppose to lower his gaze but if a woman is on the television there are na mehram watching the television so she cannot come. So the opinion is divided sister. Whichever you feel is more closer you can take your choice. Hope that answers your question.

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