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Beautiful Recitation from Shaikh Sabir

Salaam 'Alaikum,

Beuatiful recitation from salatul Maghrib by Shaikh Sabir Dubash al Jazairi.
Recitation of Suratul Fatiha, Isra (22-26) and An-Nazia'at (36-45)

Translation of recited verses

Suratul Fatiha:

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds,
(2) The Beneficent, the Merciful.
(3) Owner of the Day of Judgment,
(4) Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we ask for help.
(5) Show us the straight path,
(6) The path of those whom Thou hast favoured. Not (the path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray. (7)

Suratul Isra (22-26)

(22) And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honour.
(23) And lower unto them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: "My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was young."
(24) Your Lord knows best what is in your inner-selves. If you are righteous, then, verily, He is Ever Most Forgiving to those who turn unto Him again and again in obedience, and in repentance.
(25) And give to the kinsman his due and to the Miskîn[] (poor) and to the wayfarer. But spend not wastefully (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift[]
(26) Verily, spendthrifts are brothers of the Shayatîn (devils), and the Shaitân (Devil Satan) is ever ungrateful to his Lord.

Suratun Nazi'aat (36-45)

(36) Then, for him who transgressed all bounds (in disbelief, oppression and evil deeds of disobedience to Allâh).
(37) And preferred the life of this world (by following his evil desires and lusts),
(38) Verily, his abode will be Hell-fire;
(39) But as for him who feared standing before his Lord, and restrained himself from impure evil desires, and lusts.
(40) Verily, Paradise will be his abode.
(41) They ask you (O Muhammad (SAW)) about the Hour, - when will be its appointed time?
(42) You have no knowledge to say anything about it,
(43) To your Lord belongs (the knowledge of) the term thereof?
(44) You (O Muhammad (SAW)) are only a warner for those who fear it,
(45) The Day they see it, (it will be) as if they had not tarried (in this world) except an afternoon or a morning.

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